and Copyright

By BitcoDavid I know you think there’s a huge underground facility, buried under Colorado’s Cheyenne Mountain, and called Plaza – but in truth, it’s just me in my underwear, hammering away on a coffee stained keyboard. There is however, a lot going on in the background. Not everything you see on is actually

ASL Kids do Wizard of Oz

By BitcoDavid Have a half an hour to kill, and wanna have some great fun? You’ll love this ASL version of the Wizard of Oz, performed by Eyes Alive! they are an elementary school performing arts group at the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind. The kids are just great, and it’s good

A Must See Video Says it All

By BitcoDavid I got this from PrisonMovement’s Weblog‘s  FaceBook page. This video says exactly what I’ve been trying to tell people, all along. A great watch, from Beyond Bars and Brave New Films. BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a videographer, a teacher –

LockUp / X’ed Out: A Video Documentary

By BitcoDavid This video was originally aired on MSNBC, but I found it on BGTV. I can’t caption it, because it’s 45 minutes long, but it’s a YouTube embed, so you can use their automated CC button if you need captioning. BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was

Amazing ASL Video Informs About Domestic Abuse

By BitcoDavid This video, originally posted to YouTube by DeafHope, was featured on Bellamie Harvard’s The Broken Phoenix Blog. Not only is the message powerful and enlightening – but the Sign is beautiful. Maybe someday, I’ll be able to sign this well. BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he

San Francisco Animator Explains Drug War

By BitcoDavid [wpvideo jZGjqt7K] This video by I Shot Him, a San Francisco based graphics studio, details the effects of America’s drug war, in Mexico and chronicles the violence by Mexican Cartels and the military. The video is also available on YouTube, but only with their speech recognition captioning, which even in a simple –

Women’s Playground Movie Pulls No Punches

By BitcoDavid Tapestry Entertainment has finally completed their long anticipated independent film, Women’s Playground. A screening is to be held at the International House of Philadelphia, 3701 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19104 at 6:00 PM, next Sunday, with more screenings in more cities to follow. Tickets are 15 dollars and can be ordered through their