Hey, They Made Their Choices…

By BitcoDavid I often hear the argument, people in prison made their choices – now they have to deal with the consequences. Many of us believe that the prisons in America are bursting at the seams with rapists, murders, thieves and pedophiles. And that – of course – isn’t completely untrue. On the other hand,

Digest Post 5/3

By BitcoDavid OK, today’s digest post is huge. Let me start with a quick anecdote vis-à-vis this ear bud thing. A woman who fights at my gym, Kim – for whom I have a great deal of respect – is involved with the Team Blood project, and therefore contributes to numerous charities. She’s been holding

Post Birthday Digest Post

By BitcoDavid Yes, you read that right. I’m 56 years old (going on 35). Jack’s birthday is tomorrow. He’ll be 4. You look at his pics, and you think, awww – such a punim. But see, Jack’s days as a puppy were not good ones. He was born into a Georgia dog fighting ring, and

DeafInPrison Nominated for Liebster Award

By BitcoDavid Wow! When it rains… We have 6 days left in our month-long Birthday celebration, and we’ve been nominated for 2 awards! This most recent, comes from Hands Talk Too – the Liebster Award! We are grateful to Dholiness and Hands Talk Too for nominating us. Step 1) Answer the following 11 Questions: 1.

Deaf CCA Inmate Sues DC for Mistreatment

By BitcoDavid The Washington Post reports that William Pierce, a 44 year-old Deaf HIV patient has filed suit against the city of D.C. because he was denied treatment, unfairly kept in solitary, and handcuffed – essentially a gag for the Deaf. The ACLU, which is handling the case, has stated Pierce was denied access to

San Francisco Animator Explains Drug War

By BitcoDavid [wpvideo jZGjqt7K] This video by I Shot Him, a San Francisco based graphics studio, details the effects of America’s drug war, in Mexico and chronicles the violence by Mexican Cartels and the military. The video is also available on YouTube, but only with their speech recognition captioning, which even in a simple –

Digest Post – Sunday 1/13/2013

By BitcoDavid Truthout reports today, that the infamous supermax, Tamms, is officially closed. The solitary confinement maximum security facility in Illinois closed on January 4th. DeafInPrison.com would like to thank Solitary Watch for alerting us to the story. “There is not a single man left behind. The era of the notorious Tamms supermax prison is

McCaskill Reinstated

By BitcoDavid According to the Washington Post, Angela McCaskill, the Chief Diversity Officer who was suspended in October of last year for signing a petition decrying Maryland’s same sex marriage law, has been reinstated to her position. The case was controversial because McCaskill – a representative of diversity at a school for the Deaf –

Gallaudet Chief Diversity Officer Suspended

Angela McCaskill, the Chief Diversity Officer for Gallaudet University, was placed on paid leave on Wednesday, October 10th for signing a petition that asked for votes against Maryland’s same sex marriage law. The Washington Post reports that McCaskill was one of 200,000 Maryland residents who signed. The petition was calling for a referendum on the law.

Blacks and Whites Use Different Sign

The September 18th edition of the Washington Post – Health & Science section reports that even in the language of the deaf, race makes a difference. This story by Frances Stead Sellers of the Washington Post: Carolyn McCaskill remembers exactly when she discovered that she couldn’t understand white people. It was 1968, she was 15