San Francisco Animator Explains Drug War

By BitcoDavid [wpvideo jZGjqt7K] This video by I Shot Him, a San Francisco based graphics studio, details the effects of America’s drug war, in Mexico and chronicles the violence by Mexican Cartels and the military. The video is also available on YouTube, but only with their speech recognition captioning, which even in a simple –

Methadone – Yes, No or Maybe

By BitcoDavid Ramon Rustin, warden of Metropolitan Detention Center in Albuquerque, plans on halting the center’s Methadone program, thereby saving Bernalillo County about $10,000 a month. Since 2006, the Center –  the largest non-penitentiary facility in Heroin plagued New Mexico – has been treating its addicted inmates with Methadone. As well as the expense, Rustin who

We Spend More on Prisons than Schools – From AlterNet

You might find this article a bit partisan, but there is some very interesting information buried in it. It’s a reblog from AlterNet. Please let me know what you think. Why do people steal in order to buy drugs? For starters, most are poor and will stay that way because as a society we