A Word on Police Militarization

By BitcoDavid On May 18th, President Obama signed an Executive Order, effectively banning the transfer of military equipment by the Federal government, to community police departments. This is a step in the right direction, and will help to end what has become nothing short of a war between the police, and the communities they are

A Victimless Crime?

By Supporter Contributor Matthew Gilbert A few days ago, I saw a post by someone who was grieving for a loved one lost to drug overdose. They made the point that there are victims to drug use. I was not about to argue with a grieving person and I am not now going to. How

Get Off Your Bicycle and Throw Something

By BitcoDavid Ahh. It’s June at last. Summer – or Spring – or something other than an Arctic freeze – is finally here. Of course Felix Garcia still rots in prison, and the War on Drugs still rages. False confession still abounds, and Waitstaff still hand Braille menus to Deaf patrons. As most of you

Drug Menace in Prisons Remains a Concern

  By Supporter Contributor Rebecca Gray   It is not an overstatement, and may seem more than obvious to most, that the War on Drugs is directly connected to the problem of prison overcrowding in this country. It would seem logical then, that those convicted of drug-related crimes could get some help for any substance

Is the U.S. Becoming a Police State?

By BitcoDavid The above infographic was made by SecurityHub.com, and sent to me via e-mail. the full sized original can be viewed, Here. Please comment. I would be interested to know if our readers agree or disagree. BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a

A Day I’ve Spent 40 Years Fighting For Has Finally Arrived!

By BitcoDavid My good friend and journalistic mentor MadMike, posted this today on his awesome site. US Department of Justice Ends 75 Years of Marijuana Prohibition Finally, the United States government is recognizing what millions of people have know for years: there’s a huge demand for pot, and no amount of regulation will keep it

Cindy the Pooch – Public Enemy

By BitcoDavid We have to stop this. The latest victim in the failed war on drugs is a veteran’s dog. AlterNet reports that on Monday, June 3rd, another military commando SWAT team, armed with – among the tear gas grenades and AK47s – a search warrant for the wrong address, shot and killed an Iraq

Newest Weapon in War on Drugs? Special-Ed Kids

By BitcoDavid AlterNet reports that a California school administrator forced a Special-Education student to buy marijuana from a teenaged suspect, for a police sting. The boy is now the subject of bullying, violence and threats, and his parents are suing the district. In a complaint filed against the Temecula Valley Unified School District this month,

Militarized Cops and Drug War Victims

By BitcoDavid The Huffington Post recently featured a story by Radley Balko, author of Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces. The article centers around the death of Cheryl Ann Stillwell, a middle-aged single woman, shot to death in a police raid gone awry. According to Balko, Stillwell was a recluse,

Judges Opt for “Drug Courts” in Non-violent Cases

By BitcoDavid Throughout the United States,  Federal judges and prosecutors are proscribing prison for drug-addicted, non-violent offenders in favor of treatment programs and community service. Unofficially known as Drug Courts, this is an effort to avoid overly punitive and destructive sentencing. Moreover, the Justice Department has backed this idea, allowing courts to dismiss charges in