First Video Installment – Brookline PD

By BitcoDavid In order to maintain some continuity, I opted to make the first available video installment, the 1st section of the presentation by the Brookline Police, so as to fit in with the previous post. The video isn’t captioned, but there is a live interpreter in frame. If you need more help understanding it,

My 1st incounter with l.a.’z finest

By Moorbey [ Editor’s Note: Moorbey’z Blog has been an asset and a help to He has graciously offered to provide us with this Supporter Contribution post. I have left it in his own unique writing style, and have added only some images. I see his writing style as the literary equivalent of what

Unique Opportunity From Lipreading Mom

By BitcoDavid Shanna Groves is looking for 10 people who want to be in a video about hearing loss bullying. Here’s what she posted on Lipreading Mom. Be one of 10 people to be chosen for the #StopHearingLossBullying Campaign Video. Send in all of the following by April 1, 2013, to be considered: 1) Three

The Complete Felix Garcia Interview by Links

By BitcoDavid I’ve received some requests to reintegrate all the Felix videos back into one single interview. The result of that would be a 2 hour long piece. In my experience as a video editor, I’ve come to realize that most people can’t endure watching a 2 hour video. However, in the name of continuity,

The Man Behind the Curtain Explains the Dials and Buzzers

I’m working on the transcript for #5 in the Felix Garcia series, and at the same time, working on the video for #6. For today’s post however, I thought I’d give you some insight into the tech work behind these videos. Bringing you this interview is really a pretty big job. The files came to

The Horror of Being Deaf and in Prison

This is the finished version of the video we embedded in March. The original video was uploaded to YouTube by ASLKimber, and is a summation of an article written by McCay Vernon.  We thank her for allowing us to use it. The wonderful interpreting work was performed by Diane Chambers. The technical magic was me.