Broken Sign: Important Announcement from BitcoDavid

By BitcoDavid I must admit, I learned this the same way a Japanese rock singer learns an American song. Nonetheless, I’m pretty proud of myself. [wpvideo admbd9B9] If you would be interested in doing this, use the contact form below. Please hurry, the window of opportunity is closing fast. Shooting is scheduled for the 1st

H.P. Lovecraft Couldn’t Make This Up

By Pat Bliss this is an excerpt from a 26 page letter that I received from a Deaf inmate. It was his story about going to medical, that I last posted. He is in solitary confinement now, for trying to help another inmate. Rather than going into all the details of that, I felt I

The Things We Take for Granted

By Pat Bliss   I get many letters from prisoners that just say they had to go to see a doctor or to medical for some reason. But in this one instance, a deaf prisoner in one of Florida’s prisons gave me an in-depth look as to what a prisoner goes through just to be there for a

Prison News Update

By BitcoDavid I’ve been swamped and working hard on getting caught up on videos and other projects, which I know you’ve been waiting for. Trust me, they’re coming. But I wanted to get a post up here, which will bring you up to speed on some of what’s going on within the prison system. On

Stunning PowerPoint by Solitary Watch – Solitary 101

By BitcoDavid PowerPoint presentation by Jean Casella and James Ridgeway of Solitary Watch. This is a truly massive work, and well worth taking a few minutes to watch in its entirety. Well written, informative and beautifully enhanced with photos and graphics, this presentation is a must see. [scribd id=112968967 key=key-2ie00yd1pafq5iysqiar mode=scroll] BitcoDavid is a blogger

How Prisoners Make Us Look Good – From the NYT

By BitcoDavid I finally got a second to get a post up on here! I’ve been swamped, working on several upcoming projects, including the last video in the series of interviews with Felix Garcia by Jim Ridgeway and Pat Bliss, the PDF serialization of Felix’s story and an Idea Jim Ridgeway and I are hammering

Proof of False Confession and DNA Testing Lead to Freeing of Innocent Death-Row Inmate in LA

“I was hungry. All I wanted to do was sleep, and I was willing to tell them anything they wanted me to tell them if it would get me out of that interrogation room.” This is was Damon Thibodeaux statement about his nine-hour interrogation on July 21, 1996 that resulted in his false confession to

The School to Prison Pipeline Is Even Bigger for the Deaf

This is an article published in the New York Times. It states that children with disabilities are more likely to be suspended from school, than are non-disabled students. But, they didn’t need a study to prove this. They just needed to read We’re well familiar with both the school to prison pipeline, and the

Too Many Prisoners – From Prisonmovement’s Weblog

This is a reblog of an article that appeared in Prisonmovement’s Weblog, over the weekend. For those of you not familiar with them, here’s what they say about themselves: Against the death penalty; the United States Criminal Justice System is flawed, broken, yet fixable; Prison Reform and Sentencing Reform should be major agenda’s for each

Inmate Responds to One of Our Posts

In May, I did a post on the differences between county jails and prisons from the paralegal perspective. Here’s the link to that post. County Jails vs. Prisons I’ve added it here, to help provide some perspective. A few days ago, I received this response from a former inmate. As usual, if you have trouble