and Copyright

By BitcoDavid I know you think there’s a huge underground facility, buried under Colorado’s Cheyenne Mountain, and called Plaza – but in truth, it’s just me in my underwear, hammering away on a coffee stained keyboard. There is however, a lot going on in the background. Not everything you see on is actually

Had to Share

By BitcoDavid God’ll get me for this, but I had to share it with you. This appeared on FaceBook, yesterday. But that’s not the funny part. The first comment was… “Governor Scott!” BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a videographer, a teacher – even

Life Holds no Guarantees: Update on Felix

By Pat Bliss When we began this year with three paths to take Felix’s case, we did it knowing there are no guarantees. Unbeknownst at that time to us all, something was soon to take place that started our year with a bonus. And very appreciated. As many of you already know there was a

Questions Abound

By Supporter Contributor Ty Rade Thank you for offering me the opportunity to voice my concerns regarding the Felix Garcia case. I am an attorney, and I have followed your Web site since your launch. I recently took about an hour, and did some quick investigation on my own. As an attorney, I have access

Event: HEARD launches #DeafInPrison Campaign

HEARD created the #DeafInPrison Campaign to raise awareness about abuse of, and discrimination against, deaf prisoners across the nation. The Campaign, which officially launches on June 27th, aims to start a national conversation about these concerns, and to compel corrective and preventive action. We are asking that you watch the film “Deaf In Prison,” then

Get Off Your Bicycle and Throw Something

By BitcoDavid Ahh. It’s June at last. Summer – or Spring – or something other than an Arctic freeze – is finally here. Of course Felix Garcia still rots in prison, and the War on Drugs still rages. False confession still abounds, and Waitstaff still hand Braille menus to Deaf patrons. As most of you

Genetic Test for Deafness: What Are its Limits?

By Supporter Contributor John Terra Genetic tests for deafness can help doctors anticipate possible hearing problems later in life. Of course, no test is infallible, but the advances made do bear a closer look, especially one recent intriguing breakthrough that comes from the University of Iowa. New Tests Available Patients who have some form of

Drug Menace in Prisons Remains a Concern

  By Supporter Contributor Rebecca Gray   It is not an overstatement, and may seem more than obvious to most, that the War on Drugs is directly connected to the problem of prison overcrowding in this country. It would seem logical then, that those convicted of drug-related crimes could get some help for any substance

“Felix Garcia” Music Video

By BitcoDavid It’s been nearly a month since I’ve posted anything. I’ve been working my – two baseballs in a sock – skinny, White butt off, on this video. As promised to you, back in January, we took Heather Hardy’s song and created this video. I even had to drive all the way to East

Excited About All the Activity

By Pat Bliss I know BitcoDavid is working hard on Heather Hardy’s music video for Felix, and I’m sure it will be great when it’s done. He tells me that he’s trying to get it online as soon as possible,  so as to coincide with all this other activity in the case. But I also