Excellent Interview Video on Solitary from WGBH

By BitcoDavid The following video comes from Boston’s WGBH TV. The video presents a number of interesting facts regarding solitary confinement, including that it’s expensive, and poses a public safety threat. We know it’s torture, and we know that it destroys minds and crushes souls – but many argue that prisoners deserve no better. Well,

Death in Custody: a PDF From the DOJ

By BitcoDavid Below is a report from the Department of Justice, listing the number of deaths among prisoners in custody for the period from 2001 to 2007. [scribd id=149738294 key=key-72cuqll0vqwa4alewbw mode=scroll] BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a videographer, a teacher – even a

A Must See Video Says it All

By BitcoDavid I got this from PrisonMovement’s Weblog‘s  FaceBook page. This video says exactly what I’ve been trying to tell people, all along. A great watch, from Beyond Bars and Brave New Films. BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a videographer, a teacher –

26 Minutes in the SHU

By BitcoDavid Much thanks and respect to Moorbey who originally posted this – well originally for us, anyway. It was actually posted on YouTube by KQED News. It was shot by the security camera in one of the exercise pens at Pelican Bay. I post it here with the following nugget of food for thought.

May 2013 at DeafInPrison.com

By BitcoDavid [scribd id=145126488 key=key-qfphx8a96an5fwlexcn mode=scroll] BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a videographer, a teacher – even a cab driver. He is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and a Pro/Am boxer. He has spent years working with diet and exercise to combat

Stop Hearing Loss Bullying Video Now Online

By BitcoDavid I was chatting over a plate of Edamame, with my good friend Quentin Tarantino  the other day, when he said, “BitcoDavid – dude! You did such a great job on Shanna Groves’ Stop Hearing Loss Bullying campaign video, I’m totally jealous of your immense talent.” Well, all kidding aside – I’m deeply grateful

Reminder: April 1st Deadline

By BitcoDavid We interrupt the coverage of the Symposium, to remind you that April 1st is the deadline for entries into Shanna Groves’ #StopHearingLossBullying Campaign Video. Click the link above, for details. She’s looking to put 10 people into a video about hearing loss bullying. You could be more famous than the Leave Britney Alone 

Unique Opportunity From Lipreading Mom

By BitcoDavid Shanna Groves is looking for 10 people who want to be in a video about hearing loss bullying. Here’s what she posted on Lipreading Mom. Be one of 10 people to be chosen for the #StopHearingLossBullying Campaign Video. Send in all of the following by April 1, 2013, to be considered: 1) Three