My 12 Favorite Posts of 2013

By BitcoDavid As the rock we call home hurtles around that angriest of planets at a mind boggling 67000 mph, I find myself feeling nostalgic. Here then, without further ado, is my list of the past 12 month’s highlights.   First off, Moorbey’z Blog put us up for the Reality Blog Award. Moorbey has been a

2013 in review

By BitcoDavid received almost as many views as did the World Famous Boston Red Sox as they won their 8th championship. In short, a good year was had by all. The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House

Happy Saturnalia to All

By BitcoDavid Joyce Edmiston is the owner of Xpressive Handz Blog. She has been a contributor to both the Stop Hearing Loss Bullying, and the Keep ASL in Schools videos. She is also a posting member of our FaceBook Group, ASL Learners by Yesterday, she posted this video. It’s the perfect Christmas gift, Diabetically sweet.

Given the Givens – An Out of the Park Homerun

By BitcoDavid Last night was part I of Al Jazeera’s documentary on Deaf inmates, featuring Felix, Pat Bliss, Talila Lewis and Jim Ridgeway. Part II will air tonight at 9:00 pm Eastern. It was so much fun for me to see people – many of whom I know, but have never actually met – and

Felix Featured in Al Jazeera Documentary

By Pat Bliss There has been a documentary in the works for a few years on the deaf in our prisons. It starts airing tonight on cables’  Al Jazeera America (AJA)  America Tonight at 9pm. It’ll be in Closed Caption. Felix will be highlighted in tonight’s segment, tomorrow will highlight other deaf. After the segment tonight Journalist James Ridgeway 

Back From the Dead

By BitcoDavid Well, I’m back. For the past 2 weeks or so, I’ve been in Dante’s 9th circle of network upgrades. We now have a full terabyte – 4 processor hive for editing videos, and a domain controller running our 10 pcs in Active directory. I finally have my own registered domain name –

Happy Thanksgiving and Thank You for Reading Us

By BitcoDavid We’ve been super busy – behind the scenes – here at, so we haven’t been posting as much as I would like. But rest assured that we’re working hard on several projects that will end up as enjoyable and informative content for you – our precious readers. I did however, want to

3-D printing in hearing aid technology

By Supporter Contributor Melisa Marzett [Editor’s note: welcomes Melisa Marzett to our team as our newest supporter contributor. — BitcoDavid] 3-D printing is a technology that makes many people plunge into thoughts. Most people are surprised when they first hear about 3-D printing, and they can’t imagine how it works. The most common idea

Supporter Contribution by Dr. Damara Paris

By Jean F. Andrews [Author’s Note: Dr. Paris is an assistant professor in the Dept of Deaf Studies/Deaf Education at Lamar University. She has done research with Native American Deaf Communities. — Jean Andrews] Native American and Deaf Communities: Parallels of Oppression Damara Paris, Ed.D, CRC, NCC Recently, the news has been rife with reports

A Basic First-aid Class for Deaf Adults

By Joanne Greenberg [Editor’s note: This piece was originally written by Ms. Greenberg several years ago, so many of the time and date references may no longer be accurate. — BitcoDavid] The idea for the class came serendipitously. I was taking advanced first-aid and I mentioned to the Chief Instructor, that because there were a