Not Really a Digest Post – Sort of an Apetiser

By BitcoDavid First off, last night’s ASL meetup went well, except that Marsha Graham was not in attendance. Marsha suffered a bad fall yesterday in the early part of the day, and broke her shoulder. She’s currently in the hospital, and the road to recovery looks long and difficult. In order to respect her privacy,

Stunning PowerPoint by Solitary Watch – Solitary 101

By BitcoDavid PowerPoint presentation by Jean Casella and James Ridgeway of Solitary Watch. This is a truly massive work, and well worth taking a few minutes to watch in its entirety. Well written, informative and beautifully enhanced with photos and graphics, this presentation is a must see. [scribd id=112968967 key=key-2ie00yd1pafq5iysqiar mode=scroll] BitcoDavid is a blogger Celebrates its 200th Post!

Deaf – The Sonny Liston of Blog Sites, has published 200 posts. I’m telling you, there were times I didn’t think we’d ever make it this far. A lot of people, a lot of support, and a ton of machinery have worked in concert to make us a reality. I’m grateful to our phenomenal

Five Years in Solitary – For a Cell Phone – by HumansInShadow

I got this from  They got it from Jim Ridgeway’s site, It appears that Phillip Miller was a model prisoner, having served the first half of a twenty year sentence. A guard smuggled a cell phone in, and Miller ended up getting an additional 5 years in solitary. Miller was brought before an