Booking, Medical/Psychological intake, and Classification: Why a Live Interpreter is Critical

By Jean F. Andrews While it is commonly accepted to provide interpreters in court, deaf suspects and offenders still struggle to get sign interpreters for arrest, booking, medical/psychological intakes, classification, grievance committee meetings and for translation of the inmate handbook. Most vulnerable are hard of hearing persons who use sign language, and profoundly deaf persons

Rosenblum: Sign language supporter awaits White House response

By Jean F. Andrews [Jean’s note: This article was sent to me by Julie Evans, freelance writer.] Article by: GAIL ROSENBLUM Star Tribune (Minneapolis daily paper) January 21, 2013 – 8:47 PM Adrean Clark insists she’s not an activist, just a hard-working mother who wants to right a wrong. That’s the best kind of activist

How Cool is This!

By BitcoDavid I received the following e-mail the other day. Hello David I work for, a site that provides info on education and job opportunities for students in speech pathology and relevant fields. Since American Sign Language and other forms of signed communication are so useful for speech pathologists, we thought it would be

An Excellent Video From DeafInc

By BitcoDavid This video is geared towards Police officers to help them communicate with Deaf individuals. It is a wealth of valuable information for all of us however. It’s extremely well made, making use of split screen and P.O.V. shots. It’s fully captioned and narrated in ASL. Well worth the watch. BitcoDavid is a blogger Celebrates its 200th Post!

Deaf – The Sonny Liston of Blog Sites, has published 200 posts. I’m telling you, there were times I didn’t think we’d ever make it this far. A lot of people, a lot of support, and a ton of machinery have worked in concert to make us a reality. I’m grateful to our phenomenal

Blacks and Whites Use Different Sign

The September 18th edition of the Washington Post – Health & Science section reports that even in the language of the deaf, race makes a difference. This story by Frances Stead Sellers of the Washington Post: Carolyn McCaskill remembers exactly when she discovered that she couldn’t understand white people. It was 1968, she was 15

Deaf Awareness Week – Day 3 has set up a whole Web site devoted to finding homes for deaf dogs and cats, in celebration of Deaf Awareness Week. Page after page of wonderful, loving, rescue animals that need a little extra attention, because they’re deaf. Research has shown that teaching deaf dogs to follow basic Sign language commands isn’t difficult

You Learn Lessons in Some Strange Places

I was at my endocrinologist‘s clinic this morning – wowing him with my stellar physicality – when an interesting exchange took place. It appears, that his patient immediately after me, required an interpreter. “Sign language?” I asked, obsessive individual that I’m known to be. “Nope, Spanish,” he said. “Problem is, they won’t wait – they’re

Hunter Spanjer, 3-Year-Old Deaf Boy, Told By Preschool To Change Way He Signs His Name (VIDEO) – From Huffington Post

This story originally appeared in the Huffington Post, and was brought to my attention by HEARD. The article contains a video which is not captioned, but you can read the story as well. In a move blasted by rights groups, a 3-year-old-deaf boy has been told by his Nebraska school district to change the way