CCA and Others Use Politics as Strategy

By BitcoDavid In January of last year, the Sentencing Project released a 25 page report entitled, Too Good to be True – Private Prisons in America, by Cody Mason. In the first decade of this century, the number of state inmates in private prisons increased by 80%, but the number of Federal inmates, saw gains

Black Incarceration Rates Finally Beginning to Drop

By BitcoDavid According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics and the Sentencing Project, prison sentences for Blacks dropped significantly, from 2000 to 2009. Whites and Hispanics however, have seen an increase in that same period. This change in the makeup of the prison population is most significant among Black women, down 30.7%. Black women who

A Great Idea, A Commitment and an Embeded File

By BitcoDavid I am fortunate enough to live in quiet bedroom community outside of Boston, but it was not always thus. I used to live in the heart of one of the inner city’s biggest ghettos, Roxbury. I bring this up, because it was there, that dwelt a profound and long-lived piece of graffiti. Sprayed