Now, This is the Stupidest Thing I’ve Ever Heard

By BitcoDavid AlterNet just posted a piece on certain states enacting laws against baggy pants. I’d have filed this story under humor if I was kidding – but I’m not. Cities around the country including Cocoa Beach, FL, Lynwood, IL, Boston, New York City and Shreveport, LA have enacted – or are in the process

She Still Doesn’t Like Mondays

By BitcoDavid Rarely but occasionally, my many favorite subjects coincide to form a great story. In this case, they would be history, music and crime. In a piece for MadMike’s America, I was reminded of the tale of Brenda Ann Spencer, the 16 year-old girl who didn’t like Mondays, and hence shot the whole day

Florida Justice and the Tragedy of the White House Boys

By BitcoDavid The Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys opened on New Years Day, 1900, and remained open for 111 years. At one point it was the largest juvenile reform school in the U.S. Young men and boys were sent there from all over the state, for all kinds of things – some criminal, and

When One Hand Refuses to Wash the Other

By BitcoDavid I was asked, the other day, why – a site dedicated to the plight of the Deaf inmate – reports on such a diverse palette of issues. We cover the School to Prison Pipeline, Prison Reform, solitary confinement, mental health issues, Women in prison, the drug war, prison gangs, prison rape, wrongful

A Plea for Sanity

By BitcoDavid As writers, we become sensitive to certain words and phrases. Just ask me to go 12 rounds on the word folks, and you’ll see what I mean. One phrase that is increasingly starting to bother me is prison industry. It’s a sad commentary on the state of our union when we have to

How Prisoners Make Us Look Good – From the NYT

By BitcoDavid I finally got a second to get a post up on here! I’ve been swamped, working on several upcoming projects, including the last video in the series of interviews with Felix Garcia by Jim Ridgeway and Pat Bliss, the PDF serialization of Felix’s story and an Idea Jim Ridgeway and I are hammering

A Disturbing Trend: Deaf Youth and the School to Prison Pipeline

“The School to Prison Pipeline” is a disturbing trend found in Deaf Education today. A metaphor coined by the Harvard Civil Rights Project, the “School to Prison Pipeline,” refers to two parallel concepts. For one, youths are being removed from school environments and are sent off campus to alternative schools or incarcerated in juvenile corrections

The School to Prison Pipeline Is Even Bigger for the Deaf

This is an article published in the New York Times. It states that children with disabilities are more likely to be suspended from school, than are non-disabled students. But, they didn’t need a study to prove this. They just needed to read We’re well familiar with both the school to prison pipeline, and the