Summer Update on Felix

Hello to all of Felix’s followers and supporters! It has been many months since my last post, not much had changed except for the fact Felix got a job cleaning the bathrooms and a class opened up in horticulture. It was something new, he enjoyed learning to plant seedlings and take care of his little

Jan Update on Felix

By Pat Bliss It has been a while since I have posted anything, and I am certain that many of Felix’s supporters are wondering what has happened to him. I understand those thoughts so here, I will fill you in. [wpvideo OZMmTUFk] Since Felix received his transfer from Florida to Virginia last March, he left

A New Life for Felix

By Pat Bliss It took me 5 1/2 hours to drive to Jarratt, VA to see Felix at his new prison camp, Greensville Correctional Center. I spent the night on Friday May 6th, and visited on Saturday, May 7th. He was very excited because it was not only our first Virginia visit, but also Mothers

To Felix’s Supporters

By Pat Bliss There are more restrictions about mail coming into Greensville CC, than there were in FL. Felix told me mail is being returned to the senders. All mail and email that Felix can get goes through JPay. JPay is a private company that handles communications between inmates and their friends and families on

Important Update: Felix Garcia Transfered to Va.

“I am so happy to be in Virginia. These people are real respectful and these guys are huge. I am probably the littlest guy here. I cried because I have never experienced such kindness from security. They treat me like a person.”

A Look at Felix Garcia’s Life

By Pat Bliss In order to recap the events of 2015  I need to first start with Felix’s parole hearing in  November of 2014. The results of the hearing were very favorable in contrast to what others received that day. No, Felix was not granted his well deserved parole, but nor was anyone else. He

2015 in Review

By BitcoDavid Happy New Year to all our readers, supporters, friends, Supporter Contributors and authors from BitcoDavid. 2015 was a great year for, and I sincerely hope that 2016 will be even better. Here’s an excerpt: The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 17,000 times

Merry Christmas to Felix’s Supporters

By Pat Bliss Hello to Felix’s Supporters… Christmas day is creeping up fast and my annual trek to spend Christmas with Felix will be soon. I am going to write a post in January and will highlight the events of 2015.  I just wanted to let you all know, even though communication has been sparse

First Digest Post in a While

By BitcoDavid We haven’t had a digest post in quite a while, but when enough news happens in a short period of time, it becomes necessary to cover it in a single post. First off, this past Thursday, October 1st was Felix Garcia‘s birthday.  Pat Bliss sent me the following: October 1st is Felix’s birthday.

Another Move Another Home For Felix

By Pat Bliss You sometimes wonder – will the moves, the accusations, the disruptions ever end for Felix?  Well, here we are again having to have Felix moved from his home camp of Marion Correctional to protect his life. We had to move him fast, when he was at Tomoka C.I., because he divulged to