Pam Bondi, What Say You?

By BitcoDavid People often ask me why I write so much about the Florida DOC. Perhaps the best answer would be that it’s the single worst corrections system in the United States – and nowadays, that’s the same as saying in Uganda. Growing up, I was taught that here, in the U.S., we don’t torture,

Some Great News

By BitcoDavid Pat Bliss has informed me that the option for clemency for Felix Garcia is not dead, after all. She states that the possibility exists for a new clemency hearing, in December. What’s more, she tells me that there’s been a renewed interest in the case, amongst members of Florida’s justice system.  She has

Had to Share

By BitcoDavid God’ll get me for this, but I had to share it with you. This appeared on FaceBook, yesterday. But that’s not the funny part. The first comment was… “Governor Scott!” BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a videographer, a teacher – even

Life Holds no Guarantees: Update on Felix

By Pat Bliss When we began this year with three paths to take Felix’s case, we did it knowing there are no guarantees. Unbeknownst at that time to us all, something was soon to take place that started our year with a bonus. And very appreciated. As many of you already know there was a

“Felix Garcia” Music Video

By BitcoDavid It’s been nearly a month since I’ve posted anything. I’ve been working my – two baseballs in a sock – skinny, White butt off, on this video. As promised to you, back in January, we took Heather Hardy’s song and created this video. I even had to drive all the way to East

Major Update on Felix’s Case

By BitcoDavid As most of you know, has been working tirelessly, on the release of Felix Garcia, the innocent Deaf man, imprisoned for 30 years thus far, in Florida. We have written countless pieces on his situation, been in constant contact with Pat Bliss, the paralegal who has been working on this case for

Suppose it were Mozart

By BitcoDavid Prison is a horrible place, and an even more horrible concept. But I would propose that perhaps it is we who suffer most when our friends and loved ones find themselves chewed up in the soulless machine that is America’s Criminal Justice System. Now, as always – I would preface this article with

Haven’t Had a Digest Post in a While, Now

By BitcoDavid Former Parchman Farm warden passes at 67 Donald Cabana was the warden of what many consider to be the harshest prison in the United States. He was also a staunch anti-death penalty advocate. He was known for saying, “There is a part of the warden that dies with his prisoner.” — NYT. In

#JusticeForFelix and now #JusticeForRicardo

By BitcoDavid I was alerted to this story by this FaceBook page. I was immediately struck by the similarities between this case, and that of innocent Deaf prisoner, Felix Garcia – whom we’ve been working on freeing for the past year and a half, and Pat Bliss has struggled with for for over 17 years

We Got ’em on the Run

By BitcoDavid Talila Lewis of HEARD sent out an e-mail describing the Florida DOC’s new regulation prohibiting inmates from posting to Internet sites, or – more importantly – having non-inmates post to sites, for them.  A forward within that e-mail, from the Florida Justice Institute, describes the new regs in detail. The ruling would forbid