Preschools, Prisons and Deaf Inmates

By Jean F. Andrews In Sunday’s New York Times (October 26, 2013), Nicholas D. Kristof wrote a compelling piece linking two ideas that seemed, at first blush, to be oceans apart–preschools and prisons. What comes to mind is an innocent looking, three year old playing with play dough next to a grizzled inmate who looks beaten down by poverty, low education

When Death Comes as a Kindness

By BitcoDavid Herman Wallace is best known as one of the Angola 3. Sites like Prisonmovement’s Weblog and Moorbey’z Blog have spent years trying to get him released from solitary confinement in Louisiana. Early on Friday, October 4th, Herman Wallace passed away, after a long battle with cancer. He was 71 years old. Wallace was a

A Mother’s Day Digest Post

By BitcoDavid For starters, I’m a Bozo. I misspelled Appetizer on my last post. I’d have edited it out, but once you publish a post, the title stays permanent. WordPress will repost the edited title as a new post. So, my Bozo moment lives on the Internet, frozen in eternity. Thanks Spellcheck – you’re off

Digest Post 5/3

By BitcoDavid OK, today’s digest post is huge. Let me start with a quick anecdote vis-à-vis this ear bud thing. A woman who fights at my gym, Kim – for whom I have a great deal of respect – is involved with the Team Blood project, and therefore contributes to numerous charities. She’s been holding

Digest Post 4/11/13

By BitcoDavid Two weeks from today, I’ll be 56 years old. Who’d a thunk I’d ever make it this far? Worse, in 3 weeks, my marriage will be 19 years old. All the credit goes to Maureen. Woman’s a saint.  I wouldn’t have stayed with me, for a month. I’m working on a new piece

Digest Post – 4/5/13

By BitcoDavid Well, our post-a-day streak was broken yesterday, but before you go thinking I dropped the ball, I want you to know I was busy drumming up some Supporter Contributions that will be going up this week. In keeping with our editorial priority list, the first order of business in today’s digest post is

Last Post for March – Digest Post

By BitcoDavid Our month long birthday celebration draws to a close. It’s been a phenomenal month for – and for me, personally. As well as attending the stellar, Symposium for the Deaf and the Justice System, I gave birth to BitcoDavid’s BoxingBlog, attended a reunion show by one of the bands I used to

DeafInPrison Nominated for Liebster Award

By BitcoDavid Wow! When it rains… We have 6 days left in our month-long Birthday celebration, and we’ve been nominated for 2 awards! This most recent, comes from Hands Talk Too – the Liebster Award! We are grateful to Dholiness and Hands Talk Too for nominating us. Step 1) Answer the following 11 Questions: 1.

Former Prosecutor Unloads on NYT

By BitcoDavid Paul Butler is a former Federal prosecutor who (guilty of Driving While Black) learned firsthand what our punishment-crazed culture is all about. He now writes about Justice System reform, and is best known for his excellent book, Let’s Get Free – A Hip-Hop Theory of Justice. He did a beautiful op-ed piece in

The Injustice of Permanent Punishment

By BitcoDavid In 1996 – under Clinton, by the way – the U.S. decreed that people convicted of drug related criminal offenses would never be eligible for Food Stamps or other government assistance. Up until 2011, almost a full quarter of states disenfranchised their ex-felon population, even after those individuals had served their sentences and