Happy Birthday Miranda

By BitcoDavid A huge digest post is in the can, for later on today. And I’ve been working on tons of projects offsite, that I think you will find interesting and worthy. But I wanted to get this up in time, and on its own. Today way back in 1966, the SCOTUS ruled for the defendant

Texting, Chat Rooms and the Deaf Sex Offender

By Jean F. Andrews Even though many deaf adults read below the third grade level, there are cases where they regularly use texting and enter chat rooms to engage in conversations with people they have not met. There have been cases where deaf adults have engaged in conversations with hearing minors for purposes of sexual

English: A Major Obstacle For the Deaf Suspect and Deaf Inmate

By Jean F. Andrews Police and jail officers are often confused by the many forms of English that come from the mouths and lips, and off the fingers and hands of deaf suspects. Just because the deaf person can speak some words, and lipread the question, “what is your name,” or even sign some words

Third Grade Reading Level: What Does It Mean for An Adult Deaf Suspect?

By Jean F. Andrews In reviewing confessions and interviews conducted in spoken and written English between the deaf suspect and the detective, judges and prosecutors have difficulty in understanding a deaf person’s linguistic competence. They just don’t get it. Even when the videotape recording is replayed, the judge and prosecutor will listen to the talking

A Deaf Policeman Heard the Noise…

By BitcoDavid Oaxaca Mexico now has a contingent of [d]eaf police officers, to monitor the non-audio equipped surveillance cameras that watch goings on in parking lots, markets and on streets. The belief being that these natural lipreaders will be able to observe conversations and other indications of criminal activity. Known as Angels of Silence the city of

Lipreading: What It Is, What It Isn’t

By Jean F. Andrews I read a children’s story about a deaf boy who purportedly was able to lipread a warning through a heavy snow and wind storm from the back of a ferry boat as he and his classmates were traveling to school on the mainland. The deaf boy was able to lipread the

George Whitmore Dead at 68

George Whitmore died in anonymity and poverty, at the age of 68. In 1963, Whitmore was wrongfully convicted in the double homicide of Janice Wylie, 21 – a magazine editor, and Emily Hoffert, 23 – a schoolteacher. He was 19 years old. The interrogation by a group of all-White detectives lasted 22 hours. Whitmore, a

Miranda, Hearing Juveniles and Deaf Juvenile Offenders

In a case involving Juan Garcia who at age 15 was found guilty and is serving 99 years for the murder of Jesus Veliz (age 22) that appeared in the Houston Chronicle, Sunday, September 9, 2012, p. 1, A1, A12-13), reporter Claudia Feldman analyzed Texas’ “broken program” for juvenile offenders. She states that Juan Garcia