Deaf Bill of Rights act in Georgia

By Supporter Contributor Frank James John Lala, Jr., Ph.D.   [scribd id=214463509 key=key-f69l25rm7bn4eb70cmp mode=scroll] Here’s the linked Ruling via embedded PDF.   [scribd id=214466324 key=key-1c34geqcw3phhw6v8asz mode=scroll] For more reading by Frank James John Lala Jr. Ph.D. see the link below. Keynote Speaker at the World Congress of the World Federation of the Deaf on

Excellent Interview Video on Solitary from WGBH

By BitcoDavid The following video comes from Boston’s WGBH TV. The video presents a number of interesting facts regarding solitary confinement, including that it’s expensive, and poses a public safety threat. We know it’s torture, and we know that it destroys minds and crushes souls – but many argue that prisoners deserve no better. Well,

The Half Message

By Joanne Greenberg Many people who have been through strongly negative experiences will declare afterwards, that their sufferings gave meaning and richness to their lives. I’ve never heard these emotions expressed by people who have been in prison. Incarceration is an experience its designers made for the purpose of changing lives. Each country’s prison system

Saving Lives with Shakespeare

By Jean Trounstine Can you imagine teaching Shakespeare to men in solitary confinement?  And by that I mean men who are actually locked in 23 out of 24 hours a day behind metal doors with only a slit to see through into the hallway?  And along with that, try picturing a woman who sits in

2nd Update

By BitcoDavid My gratitude to the Bridgewater State University Career Services Department, for making a workstation available for me to post from. They didn’t have to do this, and I’m grateful. Paul Heroux, Ma. State Jr. Representative came by as a guest speaker. He has a Deaf friend who taught him Sign, and he used

On the Boren-Thomas Case

By BitcoDavid Andre Thomas is insane. That statement requires no validation, no clarification and leaves no room for debate. Just over 11 years ago, Thomas brutally murdered his estranged 20-year-old wife and her 2 children – 4 years old and 13 months old, respectively. He did so, by attempting to dig their hearts out of

International Symposium on Criminal Justice and the Deaf

by anotherboomerblog Save the date: March 27TH, 2013 International Symposium at Bridgewater State University on Deafness, mental illness and the Criminal Justice System with special guest speaker – Dr. Brendan Montiero, M.D. Dr. Monteiro was co-chair of the 1st World Congress on Mental Health and Deafness at Gallaudet University, Washington, USA, where he was presented

How Prisoners Make Us Look Good – From the NYT

By BitcoDavid I finally got a second to get a post up on here! I’ve been swamped, working on several upcoming projects, including the last video in the series of interviews with Felix Garcia by Jim Ridgeway and Pat Bliss, the PDF serialization of Felix’s story and an Idea Jim Ridgeway and I are hammering

New Book Examines Drug Use in Treatment of Mentally Ill

The International Society for the Psychological Treatment of Schizophrenia (and other psychoses) U.S., is having their annual convention this year in Chicago. I am going to give a speech called, “The Lone Ranger is Busy and Tonto Has Split.” No matter what health plan is adopted for this country, it is going to feature large

Crises Management, Harris County Jail and Mental Health

In this morning’s Houston Chronicle (Friday, Sept 7, 2012, B8), the editor describes an innovative and humane program that has been implemented by the Harris County Jail. The editor reports that the Harris County Jail has become a “de facto mental hospital” as “almost 25% of its inmates, many of them non-violent, suffer from mental