My 12 Favorite Posts of 2013

By BitcoDavid As the rock we call home hurtles around that angriest of planets at a mind boggling 67000 mph, I find myself feeling nostalgic. Here then, without further ado, is my list of the past 12 month’s highlights.   First off, Moorbey’z Blog put us up for the Reality Blog Award. Moorbey has been a

I Meet McCay Vernon

By Joanne Greenberg About 40 years ago, a man called me up on the telephone. “I read your book, In This Sign, and I think you would be the one to work on a film I have in mind.” I was annoyed. “I’ve never written a script,” I said. He went on. “I have a

Mac’s Reach Exceeded His Grasp

By Jean F. Andrews It was the end of August 1974, and I was sitting in a crowded classroom next to 25 other students at Western Maryland College (now McDaniel’s College) in the bottom basement of the campus library. The professor, dressed casually in a light blue guayabera, walked into the classroom, picked up a

A Friend Whom Felix Never Met

By Pat Bliss This friendship goes back a long time starting with a letter written in Felix’s behalf in 1996, asking help for a deaf innocent man in prison at that time 15 years. Dr. McCay Vernon replied to Felix on November 24, 1996. McCay immediately took some action by sending a copy of the letter to the Editor in Chief of Silent News, Mrs.

More on the Passing of Dr. McCay Vernon

By BitcoDavid Three posts today. I would have done them as a digest post, but I think they each bear too much weight to handle that way. As I mentioned a couple of days ago, the man whom we should probably start referring to as our Founder, Dr. McCay Vernon, passed away on Wednesday. Here’s

Dr. McCay Vernon Passes Away

By BitcoDavid From our Author’s page: McCay Vernon is the inspiration behind Upon learning of Felix Garcia’s plight in Florida, Vernon contacted Joanne Greenberg about writing a book regarding the struggles of Deaf inmates. Ms. Greenberg liked the idea, but thought a Blog site may be a more effective method of reaching an audience.

2012 at

By BitcoDavid Although our brief hiatus for the holidays isn’t officially over until Wednesday, I wanted to get this post up before the end of the year. I would like to begin by wishing all our contributors, guest posters, readers and commentators the happiest of holidays. 2012 was a great year for us, and I

November at

By BitcoDavid [scribd id=115139292 key=key-1izz010b8vtwwec3yjde mode=scroll] BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a videographer, a teacher – even a cab driver. He is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and a Pro/Am boxer. He has spent years working with diet and exercise to combat

Deaf Culture Behind Bars – the Book

Well, since I spent all weekend fixing server disasters, only to discover that they weren’t fixed, I thought I’d talk about two archaic medieval commodities that you may remember – if you search the darkest recesses of your mind. The U.S. Mail, and books. You remember books, right? They were like really long tweets only