A Deaf Policeman Heard the Noise…

By BitcoDavid Oaxaca Mexico now has a contingent of [d]eaf police officers, to monitor the non-audio equipped surveillance cameras that watch goings on in parking lots, markets and on streets. The belief being that these natural lipreaders will be able to observe conversations and other indications of criminal activity. Known as Angels of Silence the city of

It’s Not All Bad

ABC News reported on the growth and progress of Community Courts. I got the article from AnotherBoomerBlog – Marsha Graham. The idea, albeit quite new, is simply stellar. These are small local courts set up to deal with low level crimes – vandalism, drunkenness and prostitution. Here’s the article link: http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/courts-handle-low-level-crimes-us-17301887#.UF97GWfi6Sq Instead of dolling out

From CBS News – Deaf Captive Held For SS Checks

This story was covered by CBS News, and brought to my attention by Marsha Graham. Held captive by a neighbor, he was beaten, starved and forced to sign over his Social Security checks. The checks were valued at about 600 dollars a month. “He was physically abused. No scars, but the body was being beaten,”

Poor Kim C*****

Yesterday, we posted a reblog from LipreadingMom about a Deaf child whose school refused to let him sign. That led to a conversation about mainstreaming, and I was reminded of a piece I did for school. *** Poor Kim C*****, her curse was not her dim brain, struggling to crank out a 60 IQ. Her

♫ I Don’ Wan’ No Sugar in Mah Co-offee…♪

This was brought to my attention by Marsha Graham, AKA AnotherBoomerBlog, from a story that originally appeared in Yahoo News. http://news.yahoo.com/pre-trial-slave-sues-jail-11-million-vermont-001819719.html?code=AQCkMsL_3WToz7P6p5YVZmEAFJNscoy1erUwdO07xSXl-5Dp2vyxZWoKVBNhcQCV_LgtZDO0d_2lVbwAsu1Ll4M7aTxA_kZSyXHHWCWaHb4Mo6vXTqET7kXohjavpLDtHw5Y_43yc_0aVFY2PKfVO9b1JC4xRQXs_IxcvYklCtTlO3Jg84VVyZNXcuWfVA7e50U#_=_ Apparently, Finbar McGarry was being held in a county jail, awaiting trial. He had not yet been found guilty, but merely was unable to afford bail.  So, like so many in his tax bracket,

An Amp Guru – Music Synthesist’s Perspective on Deafness

Let me give you what I know about the science of sound. The term sound refers to the compression and rarefaction of an elastic medium in a contained space. This compression and rarefaction takes place within the range of 20Hz to 20KHz and moves at a rate of 340.29 meters per second. An individual sound

Guest Post from Marsha Graham

The above image is a picture of an old and dear friend of mine. It’s an analog synthesizer as manufactured by Buchla – circa 1975. I used to program these bad boys. While doing so, I learned of a device called a Votrax. This was a speech synthesizer that was supposed to be able to

Inspired by a Lipreading Mom

A recent conversation with Shanna Groves and Marsha Graham regarding the Girl Scouts unwillingness to utilize interpreters, got me to thinking. The Internet is the greatest invention of the 20th century because it creates channels of access that were previously unavailable. Blog publishing is one example. Prior to the Internet, those of us who wanted

A List of Useful Links Sent to Us by Marsha Graham

http://audismfreeamerica.blogspot.com/2012/01/fla-gov-scotts-office-reply-to-afa-re.html http://solitarywatch.com/2011/12/20/the-silent-terrifying-world-of-a-deaf-prisoner/ http://deaffirefly.wordpress.com/tag/felix-garcia/ http://charlieswinbourne.com/2011/12/20/uncovered-deaf-prisoners-treatment-at-the-hands-of-the-us-justice-system/ http://massprivatei.blogspot.com/2011/12/are-deaf-people-receiving-fair-trial-in.html http://disabilityrightsgalaxy.com/2012/03/01/a-nightmare-of-vulnerability/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pYO0VKYivs http://www.alldeaf.com/deaf-news/97432-hearing-brother-framed-deaf-brother-horrible-crime.html http://www.change.org/petitions/tell-the-state-of-florida-free-felix-garcia https://deafinprison.wordpress.com/tag/free-felix-garcia-facebook-page/ http://twitter.com/#!/JIMRIDGEWAY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDFve5ngVcI http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/unjust-incarceration http://www.facebook.com/pages/Free-Felix-Garcia/369853303028907?v=info http://www.gallaudet.edu/daily_digest/heard_17feb2012.html http://dartsociety.com/2012/01/unearthing-solitary-confinement-tip-time/ Some of these are already on our links page, and others have been embedded in other posts, but they all bear repeating.