DeafInPrison Nominated for Liebster Award

By BitcoDavid Wow! When it rains… We have 6 days left in our month-long Birthday celebration, and we’ve been nominated for 2 awards! This most recent, comes from Hands Talk Too – the Liebster Award! We are grateful to Dholiness and Hands Talk Too for nominating us. Step 1) Answer the following 11 Questions: 1.

Moorbey Puts Us Up for Dragon’s Loyalty Award

By BitcoDavid Moorbey’z Blog, an awesome site that I have a ton of respect for, has graciously nominated for the beautiful Dragon’s Loyalty award. We’re deeply honored that he would think of us, when it came to a nomination. Here’s what we have to do: Proudly display the award. Post the win with a

Militarized Cops and Drug War Victims

By BitcoDavid The Huffington Post recently featured a story by Radley Balko, author of Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces. The article centers around the death of Cheryl Ann Stillwell, a middle-aged single woman, shot to death in a police raid gone awry. According to Balko, Stillwell was a recluse,

Update on Englewood Case from H.E.A.R.D.

By BitcoDavid This came from HEARD’s FaceBook page. If you haven’t yet done so, and you’re on FaceBook, you can shoot on over there, and give ’em a “Like.” HEARD – Helping Educate to Advance the Rights of the Deaf – is an organization that works tirelessly to aid both the Deaf community and the

NYT Confirms, Ebel Dead after Police Shootout

By BitcoDavid Some of the confusion surrounding the Tom Clements shooting has been cleared up. The New York Times announced this morning, that on Friday, shooting suspect Evan S. Ebel, had died in the hospital following the police shootout, northwest of Dallas, Texas. Police however, will continue the investigation as well as investigations into several other

Follow Up: Texas Style Arrest of Clements’ Alleged Shooter

By BitcoDavid Boy, they don’t mess around in Texas. After a 100 mph chase, and an OK Coral style shootout, Texas law enforcement officers managed to shoot and wound the suspected killer of Tom Clements, the Colorado Director of Prisons. Apparently, Evan Spencer Ebel, 28, a Coloradoan with a long criminal record, and a current Denver

LA DOJ in Email Blast, Angola 3 Never Held in Solitary

By BitcoDavid will always do its best to present both sides of any issue we cover. That of course, isn’t always possible, as commonly law enforcement tends to be quite close-mouthed about things. Not so, apparently, with the Louisiana Attorney General – James “Buddy” Caldwell. I got the following in my e-mail today, and

Event: Webinar

By BitcoDavid Here’s and event you may be interested in attending. Thu, Apr 18, 2013 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM EDT there will be a Webinar on Solitary Confinement in an Age of Mass Incarceration. It is being presented by NRCAT – the National Religious Campaign Against Torture. In this hour-long webinar, we will hear

Chief of Prisons in CO, killed

By BitcoDavid According to Reuters, Colorado’s prison system chief administrator, was shot and killed on Tuesday night. Police suspect that his position in the prison system may have been the motive. This occurred within a few hours of the Governor’s signing of a new gun control law, in response to the increased number of deadly

Directions to Bridgewater

By BitcoDavid Last night, as I picked up my wife from work – I may be some kind of high falutin’ cyber-journalist, but if it wasn’t for her, we wouldn’t eat. Anyway, as I was driving her home, it occurred to me that after 40 odd years of living in Mass, I haven’t a clue