Last Post for March – Digest Post

By BitcoDavid Our month long birthday celebration draws to a close. It’s been a phenomenal month for – and for me, personally. As well as attending the stellar, Symposium for the Deaf and the Justice System, I gave birth to BitcoDavid’s BoxingBlog, attended a reunion show by one of the bands I used to

Reminder: April 1st Deadline

By BitcoDavid We interrupt the coverage of the Symposium, to remind you that April 1st is the deadline for entries into Shanna Groves’ #StopHearingLossBullying Campaign Video. Click the link above, for details. She’s looking to put 10 people into a video about hearing loss bullying. You could be more famous than the Leave Britney Alone 

Marsha Graham Part 2

By BitcoDavid I strongly suggest you watch these two videos. Ms. Graham’s personal story is fascinating, and her insight into the Deaf Community and law enforcement is both informed and entertaining. — BD [OK. It looks to be good now. I went back to the original mpeg, re-edited it and re-rendered it.] [wpvideo fRwVo4Qo] BitcoDavid

Marsha Graham’s Presentation Part 1

By BitcoDavid [wpvideo 0e7Xpja7] BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a videographer, a teacher – even a cab driver. He is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and a Pro/Am boxer. He has spent years working with diet and exercise to combat obesity and

Marsha Graham’s Presentation at the Symposium

By BitcoDavid Marsha Graham, from AnotherBoomerBlog, has been a great supporter and an even greater asset to us, here at In her presentation at the Internationl Symposium on the Deaf and the Justice System, she drew a comparison between the Deaf and the insular Native American cultures she has also worked with, in Alaska.

First Video Installment – Brookline PD

By BitcoDavid In order to maintain some continuity, I opted to make the first available video installment, the 1st section of the presentation by the Brookline Police, so as to fit in with the previous post. The video isn’t captioned, but there is a live interpreter in frame. If you need more help understanding it,

Symposium on the Deaf and the Justice System – Part 1

By BitcoDavid It’s going to take me several days to relay the vast amount of information that was shared at yesterday’s symposium, so please be patient while I get it all assimilated and posted. Essentially, we have a total of about 5 hours of video – between two sources, a half dozen different PowerPoint files

2nd Update

By BitcoDavid My gratitude to the Bridgewater State University Career Services Department, for making a workstation available for me to post from. They didn’t have to do this, and I’m grateful. Paul Heroux, Ma. State Jr. Representative came by as a guest speaker. He has a Deaf friend who taught him Sign, and he used

Live Coverage of Bridgewater Event

By BitcoDavid This is an initial post. Video and in-depth coverage to follow. But, I wanted to get a chance to just give you a quick update – from the field. By eye, it looks to be a crowd of about 100 – 150 people. there are a few hearies, of which I think I’m

H.P. Lovecraft Couldn’t Make This Up

By Pat Bliss this is an excerpt from a 26 page letter that I received from a Deaf inmate. It was his story about going to medical, that I last posted. He is in solitary confinement now, for trying to help another inmate. Rather than going into all the details of that, I felt I