Since Arpanet, There Have Been Trolls

By BitcoDavid One of the subjects we’ve covered is the Boren-Thomas murders – the tragic death and dismemberment of a young woman and her infant child, by an estranged husband. This crime is a double ended disaster, because while we feel the pain and loss to the victim, we also suffer for the perpetrator, a

Six Factors for Linguistic Incompetence

 By Jean F. Andrews I’ve been in court, when both judges and prosecuting attorneys were not familiar with the term linguistic incompetence, and how it related to a deaf defendant’s case. They were familiar with the term, mental incompetence. Mental incompetence is defined as the inability is of a person to make or carry out

HEARD’s #DeafInPrison Campaign – Day 2

By BitcoDavid HEARD turned on the link to the Al Jazeera America video yesterday. Numerous people have screened it either through FaceBook, Organizations and private parties, or from my links, here. I have received several comments and messages on it already, and I’m sure Talila Lewis is very happy – as am I – to

50 Ways to Use the Internet

By Jean F. Andrews In collaboration with a deaf inmate, we put together 50 different ways to use the Internet. For a deaf person, the Internet is a necessity not a luxury as it is for hearing people, who have the option of using the audio-cell phone.  Banning deaf persons who are released from prison,

Why Isn’t Felix Free by Now?

By Pat Bliss Felix could say he cried out for help to anyone who would listen. Ever since he found out – after arriving in prison and  having the trial transcripts read to him by his cell mate – that his sister testified against him. All the time thinking, during the trial she was helping

Banned From Using the Internet?

By Jean F. Andrews What if you are deaf, serve time in prison and are released with the stipulation that you are banned from using a cell phone or the Internet? Could you survive? Yes, but with great difficulty. Did you know that some released deaf inmates are banned from cell phone use and the

My Ship, Out on the Horizon

By BitcoDavid Let me tell you a story. Years ago, when I had a business, building and repairing audio equipment for musicians and recording studios, I received a call. [Ring, ring.] “Thank you for calling Bitco Electronics. May I help you?” “Yes, this is John Smith from Norwegian Cruise Lines…” “No thanks. We’re all set.” and Copyright

By BitcoDavid I know you think there’s a huge underground facility, buried under Colorado’s Cheyenne Mountain, and called Plaza – but in truth, it’s just me in my underwear, hammering away on a coffee stained keyboard. There is however, a lot going on in the background. Not everything you see on is actually

Had to Share

By BitcoDavid God’ll get me for this, but I had to share it with you. This appeared on FaceBook, yesterday. But that’s not the funny part. The first comment was… “Governor Scott!” BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a videographer, a teacher – even

Life Holds no Guarantees: Update on Felix

By Pat Bliss When we began this year with three paths to take Felix’s case, we did it knowing there are no guarantees. Unbeknownst at that time to us all, something was soon to take place that started our year with a bonus. And very appreciated. As many of you already know there was a