A Disturbing Trend: Deaf Youth and the School to Prison Pipeline

“The School to Prison Pipeline” is a disturbing trend found in Deaf Education today. A metaphor coined by the Harvard Civil Rights Project, the “School to Prison Pipeline,” refers to two parallel concepts. For one, youths are being removed from school environments and are sent off campus to alternative schools or incarcerated in juvenile corrections

Bloomberg Reports on Business of Hearing Aid Tech

Hearing Aids can cost as much as 4,000 dollars, and apparently more and more businesses are seeking to get a slice of that pie. Bloomberg Businessweek reports: The confusion for buyers of alternative devices is pervasive: Over-the-counter analog or digital amplifiers have been available for decades. In recent years, a handful of established manufacturers like

Nevada-CURE Documents Prisoner Abuses

http://sfbayview.com/2009/nevada-prison-board-hearing-part-2-shocking-public-comments/ NV-CURE for the past year has been gathering information on abuses within the Nevada prison system. These abuses include, but are not limited to, physical beating of prisoners in restraints by staff, denial of adequate medical care, retaliation for use of the grievance and judicial process, housing assignments made without regard to prison realities,

Probation: A Cycle of Despair

Probation for the deaf offender can be a cycle of despair. It is a tangle of complex and confusing rules with heavy consequences if the rules are not followed.  This is ever so certain particularly if the deaf individual has poor sign skills, a low reading level, a poor educational history.  Interpreters are often provided

I Didn’t Hear the Guard

Through the back door he came dressed in a gray prison jumpsuit. His ankles were shackled in chains as were his wrists at his waist. Escorted by two armed guards the men made their way down a narrow corridor and entered the audiologist‘s office. After exchanging polite greetings, the doctor motioned the three men into

Know Your Vital Statistics

The website at http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/ will give you all the stats you’ll ever need about America’s broken penal system. The U.S. government maintains this data on the Bureau of  Justice Statistics Web site. For example: The rate of HIV/AIDS among state and federal prison inmates declined from 194 cases per 10,000 inmates in 2001 to 146

Blacks and Whites Use Different Sign

The September 18th edition of the Washington Post – Health & Science section reports that even in the language of the deaf, race makes a difference. This story by Frances Stead Sellers of the Washington Post: Carolyn McCaskill remembers exactly when she discovered that she couldn’t understand white people. It was 1968, she was 15

Tuscon to Become “Looped” City

This from Cronkite News. …these places have created an electro-magnetic loop with wire around the perimeter of the room, connected to an amplifier and the public address system. When a person with a hearing aid flips a tiny switch to the telecoil setting, he or she can hear what’s being said into the microphones without