A Must See Video Says it All

By BitcoDavid I got this from PrisonMovement’s Weblog‘s  FaceBook page. This video says exactly what I’ve been trying to tell people, all along. A great watch, from Beyond Bars and Brave New Films. BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a videographer, a teacher –

26 Minutes in the SHU

By BitcoDavid Much thanks and respect to Moorbey who originally posted this – well originally for us, anyway. It was actually posted on YouTube by KQED News. It was shot by the security camera in one of the exercise pens at Pelican Bay. I post it here with the following nugget of food for thought.

Hey, They Made Their Choices…

By BitcoDavid I often hear the argument, people in prison made their choices – now they have to deal with the consequences. Many of us believe that the prisons in America are bursting at the seams with rapists, murders, thieves and pedophiles. And that – of course – isn’t completely untrue. On the other hand,

Update: 6/20/2013

By BitcoDavid Here at DeafInPrison.com, we’re not above admitting to a mistake. After all, we make so few of them. But alas, to err is Human. Yesterday, we posted the story of a 12 year-old girl who was denied the right to use ASL on a New Jersey school bus. Well, it turns out that

In a Related Story…

By BitcoDavid Our contributor, Jean F. Andrews wrote this as a response to a comment on her last post. After reading it, I thought our readers who had not seen the original comment thread, would be interested in it. It may be useful to those of us who are not parents of Deaf children –

A First for Florida Deaf Prisoner Felix Garcia

By Pat Bliss [This article has been edited to remove the specific names of the researcher and her institution, by request of the original copyright holder – Ed.] Fist, let me tell you that the clemency action is in motion and the interview article I mentioned in my last update, is on hold due to

Casualties of our Educational System: The Illiterate Deaf Inmate

By Jean F. Andrews Teaching a deaf child how to read and write is an area that has perplexed befuddled and flummoxed deaf educators for hundreds of years. Why is reading so difficult to teach? What is it about the alphabetic code of English traps deaf children, youth and adults into lives of illiteracy? Is

Super Huge Digest Post – 6/14/2013

By BitcoDavid OK. Spark up a Cohiba and get settled in. Books and Movies We recently did a review of the book, Orange is the New Black by Piper Kerman. Well, Netflix is planning a streamed television series based on the book. As many of you may be aware, Netflix is working to position themselves

Happy Birthday Miranda

By BitcoDavid A huge digest post is in the can, for later on today. And I’ve been working on tons of projects offsite, that I think you will find interesting and worthy. But I wanted to get this up in time, and on its own. Today way back in 1966, the SCOTUS ruled for the defendant