I am a Happy Person

By Pat Bliss This is what Felix Garcia said to me on a visit recently… “I wake up every morning, and say I am a happy person, because so much evil around. By telling yourself you are happy, the evil around has no effect. You will see God’s blessings that way.” What a wonderful lesson

Felix Featured in Al Jazeera Documentary

By Pat Bliss There has been a documentary in the works for a few years on the deaf in our prisons. It starts airing tonight on cables’  Al Jazeera America (AJA)  America Tonight at 9pm. It’ll be in Closed Caption. Felix will be highlighted in tonight’s segment, tomorrow will highlight other deaf. After the segment tonight Journalist James Ridgeway 

Celebrating McCay Vernon and Visiting Felix

By Pat Bliss It was a quick weekend for me but I felt a need to attend the celebration of the life of Dr. McCay Vernon on September 22nd and I was glad I did. It was well attended with many, many of his former students who are themselves, college professors. For the first time, I felt like

We Got ’em on the Run

By BitcoDavid Talila Lewis of HEARD sent out an e-mail describing the Florida DOC’s new regulation prohibiting inmates from posting to Internet sites, or – more importantly – having non-inmates post to sites, for them.  A forward within that e-mail, from the Florida Justice Institute, describes the new regs in detail. The ruling would forbid

Felix’s Petition for All to See

By BitcoDavid It occurs to me, that you might want to see the actual petition letter that we will be sending to the Florida officials asking for a pardon for Felix. I added links, for this post, and they will not be included in the official document. The original document was drafted by Heather Hardy

Over 400 Signatures for Felix

By BitcoDavid I was delightfully surprised when checking Felix’s petition, this morning. We’ve finally gotten out of the 300s, where we’ve been stuck for months. We are now the longest lived, and largest petition, since this case went public. As Pat Bliss stated in her last update, the clemency hearing for Felix is underway now.

Not Really a Digest Post – Sort of an Apetiser

By BitcoDavid First off, last night’s ASL meetup went well, except that Marsha Graham was not in attendance. Marsha suffered a bad fall yesterday in the early part of the day, and broke her shoulder. She’s currently in the hospital, and the road to recovery looks long and difficult. In order to respect her privacy,

Live Coverage of Bridgewater Event

By BitcoDavid This is an initial post. Video and in-depth coverage to follow. But, I wanted to get a chance to just give you a quick update – from the field. By eye, it looks to be a crowd of about 100 – 150 people. there are a few hearies, of which I think I’m

Eighth and Final Chapter in the Felix Garcia Video Series

By BitcoDavid Here, at long last is chapter 8 in our video interview series with innocent Deaf inmate, Felix Garcia. Those of you who have followed us on this journey know that Felix has served 30 years – so far – for a crime he didn’t commit. DeafInPrison.com is one among many who have worked

Stunning PowerPoint by Solitary Watch – Solitary 101

By BitcoDavid PowerPoint presentation by Jean Casella and James Ridgeway of Solitary Watch. This is a truly massive work, and well worth taking a few minutes to watch in its entirety. Well written, informative and beautifully enhanced with photos and graphics, this presentation is a must see. [scribd id=112968967 key=key-2ie00yd1pafq5iysqiar mode=scroll] BitcoDavid is a blogger