Important Update: Felix Garcia Transfered to Va.

“I am so happy to be in Virginia. These people are real respectful and these guys are huge. I am probably the littlest guy here. I cried because I have never experienced such kindness from security. They treat me like a person.”

Part 3 in the Serialization of Felix’s Case

By Pat Bliss [Editor’s Note: This is the 3rd embed in our series chronicling the trial of Felix Garcia. At this point, all the data that was previously published on the page, Bliss, has now been made available in PDF embed format. We will begin reproducing the page, Bliss-2, and the series should be complete shortly.

My 1st incounter with l.a.’z finest

By Moorbey [ Editor’s Note: Moorbey’z Blog has been an asset and a help to He has graciously offered to provide us with this Supporter Contribution post. I have left it in his own unique writing style, and have added only some images. I see his writing style as the literary equivalent of what

There But For the Grace of God…

By BitcoDavid Picture this. You’re on your way somewhere, when a police cruiser comes speeding up from behind you, and lunges up onto the sidewalk, cutting you off. Just as you stop in your tracks, another cruiser does the same maneuver, behind you. A third, boxes you in by stopping curbside, on your left. In

Wrongfully Accused; Wrongly Judged; Wrongfully Imprisoned

By Jean F. Andrews The media has increasing spotlighted suspects who have been wrongfully accused by the police, wrongfully judged by the prosecutor and judge and wrongfully imprisoned for decades. Tony Freemantle in Sunday’s Houston’s Chronicle (Jan 20, 2013) lists a number of reasons for false convictions: 1) prosecutors hide evidence, 2) judges refuse to

Help End the Felony Murder Rule

By BitcoDavid A Follower on FaceBook brought this petition to our attention. They bring up the following points: The felony murder rule operates as a matter of law upon proof of the intent to commit a felony to relieve the prosecution of its burden of proving intent to kill, which is a necessary element

Stunning PowerPoint by Solitary Watch – Solitary 101

By BitcoDavid PowerPoint presentation by Jean Casella and James Ridgeway of Solitary Watch. This is a truly massive work, and well worth taking a few minutes to watch in its entirety. Well written, informative and beautifully enhanced with photos and graphics, this presentation is a must see. [scribd id=112968967 key=key-2ie00yd1pafq5iysqiar mode=scroll] BitcoDavid is a blogger

Felix’s Story Serialized Pt. 1

By Pat Bliss As many of you know, I have been publishing a series on arrest and subsequent trial of Felix Garcia on It has been available in standard HTML format on my pages, Bliss-1 and Bliss-2 – with future pages yet to be posted. However, our editor, BitcoDavid has recently devised a way

A Letter From Felix Garcia to HEARD

This is a letter I received from HEARD. It is Felix’s most plaintive communication yet. We really need to help this innocent man gain his freedom. Here’s the PDF link to his latest letter. Felix – HEARD letter As I work on these videos, I come to see Felix as an intelligent, compassionate, ethical and

Finally! Felix #6 is Up!

Here’s the 6th installment in our interview series with Felix Garcia, in prison. Copyright Jim Ridgeway, Interviewers Jim Ridgeway and Pat Bliss, Tech and captions, Me :), and our awesome wonderful interpreter still opts for confidentiality – but I’m working on her. We’ll make a rock star of her yet. So, enjoy – here’s Felix