How Will 3D printing Affect Our Hearing Aids?

By Supporter Contributor Marcela De Vivo Over the years, the need for hearing aids has reached a high volume. People are living longer (and thus, more people are dealing with later-life ailments) and they are more likely to listen to music at high decibel-levels. Fortunately, hearing aid technology is keeping up with the pace of such

The Half Message

By Joanne Greenberg Many people who have been through strongly negative experiences will declare afterwards, that their sufferings gave meaning and richness to their lives. I’ve never heard these emotions expressed by people who have been in prison. Incarceration is an experience its designers made for the purpose of changing lives. Each country’s prison system

Probation: A Cycle of Despair

Probation for the deaf offender can be a cycle of despair. It is a tangle of complex and confusing rules with heavy consequences if the rules are not followed.  This is ever so certain particularly if the deaf individual has poor sign skills, a low reading level, a poor educational history.  Interpreters are often provided