Felix Garcia’s Story: Part 4 in the Series

By Pat Bliss [Editor’s note: This is the 4th installation in our series on the Felix Garcia case. In this segment, Ms. Bliss presents more of the testimony, and points out the contradictions. It is presented in embedded format, and can be viewed in full screen by clicking the link at the bottom. — BitcoDavid]

Part 3 in the Serialization of Felix’s Case

By Pat Bliss [Editor’s Note: This is the 3rd embed in our series chronicling the trial of Felix Garcia. At this point, all the data that was previously published on the page, Bliss, has now been made available in PDF embed format. We will begin reproducing the page, Bliss-2, and the series should be complete shortly.

Event: FCC Phone Rates Workshop, Wednesday July 10

By BitcoDavid We have mentioned before, that Deaf inmates pay a much higher rate for phone service, than do hearing inmates. Furthermore, most facilities offer only the bare minimum in terms of usable telephone communication devices, to Deaf inmates. Add to this the fact that communications companies and the prison facilities themselves, profit off phone

Rockstar Talila Lewis Gets Op-Ed in Major Newspaper

By BitcoDavid Talila Lewis from HEARD, wrote a piece that was featured in the South Florida Sun Sentinel. It’s an important article, because it singles out Tomoka – which is where Felix Garcia is unjustly serving time. Although this article refers to some horrible mistreatment of Deaf inmates, Felix has reported that he’s actually much

H.E.A.R.D. Sends Letter to Editors of Major Fla. Papers

By BitcoDavid Talila Lewis of Helping Educate to Advance the Rights of the Deaf, composed and sent the following letter. Dear Editor: The abuse experienced by deaf prisoners housed in the Florida Department of Corrections defies imagination. Our most vulnerable prisoners–those who are deaf, deaf-blind, blind, elderly and mentally and physically disabled–are the victims of extreme

Digest Post – 4/5/13

By BitcoDavid Well, our post-a-day streak was broken yesterday, but before you go thinking I dropped the ball, I want you to know I was busy drumming up some Supporter Contributions that will be going up this week. In keeping with our editorial priority list, the first order of business in today’s digest post is

H.E.A.R.D. Public Meeting Event Next Week

By BitcoDavid Interns will present on their projects involving deaf possibly wrongfully convicted individuals, deaf prisoners & about lobbying the FCC for telecommunication access equality. Guest organizations: Council for Court Excellence & the Corrections Information Council We will be in the Library–>LCB112 There are shuttles to/from NoMa and Union Station Metros to Gallaudet University Campus:

First Video Installment – Brookline PD

By BitcoDavid In order to maintain some continuity, I opted to make the first available video installment, the 1st section of the presentation by the Brookline Police, so as to fit in with the previous post. The video isn’t captioned, but there is a live interpreter in frame. If you need more help understanding it,

Live Coverage of Bridgewater Event

By BitcoDavid This is an initial post. Video and in-depth coverage to follow. But, I wanted to get a chance to just give you a quick update – from the field. By eye, it looks to be a crowd of about 100 – 150 people. there are a few hearies, of which I think I’m

Update on Englewood Case from H.E.A.R.D.

By BitcoDavid This came from HEARD’s FaceBook page. If you haven’t yet done so, and you’re on FaceBook, you can shoot on over there, and give ’em a “Like.” HEARD – Helping Educate to Advance the Rights of the Deaf – is an organization that works tirelessly to aid both the Deaf community and the