Is Manson’s Horror Coming True?

By BitcoDavid Jack and I took the trusty Ford Escort into the shop today, to get the brake lights fixed. The talk within the dingy concrete walls – of course – was all about the Trayvon Martin Case. Sadly, it wasn’t sympathetic. All over the country, yesterday and today, there have been protests ranging from

Boxer (The Horse, This Time)

By BitcoDavid I’m reminded by my good friends and mentors at MadMike’s America, that today is George Orwell’s birthday. The venerable author, linguist and political activist would have been 110 years old, today. One of my favorite Orwell characters – and not related to my avocation – is Boxer, the horse from Animal Farm. Boxer

Over 400 Signatures for Felix

By BitcoDavid I was delightfully surprised when checking Felix’s petition, this morning. We’ve finally gotten out of the 300s, where we’ve been stuck for months. We are now the longest lived, and largest petition, since this case went public. As Pat Bliss stated in her last update, the clemency hearing for Felix is underway now.

Rockstar Talila Lewis Gets Op-Ed in Major Newspaper

By BitcoDavid Talila Lewis from HEARD, wrote a piece that was featured in the South Florida Sun Sentinel. It’s an important article, because it singles out Tomoka – which is where Felix Garcia is unjustly serving time. Although this article refers to some horrible mistreatment of Deaf inmates, Felix has reported that he’s actually much

Digest Post – 4/5/13

By BitcoDavid Well, our post-a-day streak was broken yesterday, but before you go thinking I dropped the ball, I want you to know I was busy drumming up some Supporter Contributions that will be going up this week. In keeping with our editorial priority list, the first order of business in today’s digest post is

The Injustice of Permanent Punishment

By BitcoDavid In 1996 – under Clinton, by the way – the U.S. decreed that people convicted of drug related criminal offenses would never be eligible for Food Stamps or other government assistance. Up until 2011, almost a full quarter of states disenfranchised their ex-felon population, even after those individuals had served their sentences and

Help End the Felony Murder Rule

By BitcoDavid A Follower on FaceBook brought this petition to our attention. They bring up the following points: The felony murder rule operates as a matter of law upon proof of the intent to commit a felony to relieve the prosecution of its burden of proving intent to kill, which is a necessary element

Florida to Execute Schizophrenic “Prince of God”

  Truthout reports that Florida Governor Rick Scott has signed a new death warrant for John Erroll Ferguson, despite the fact that several psychiatrists agree as to the fact that he’s a paranoid schizophrenic. The State Supreme Court has ruled that although they agree with the psychiatrists’ findings, that the 64 year-old’s delusions are not