Reading and Deaf Researchers

By Jean F. Andrews Since I’ve been in higher education, I’ve seen an increase in numbers of graduate students who are deaf apply to deaf education programs. I have also seen the increase in the hiring of professors who are deaf in different institutions where I have worked. The topics of their research papers are

Dumbing Down Deaf Education

By Jean F. Andrews Following the NCLB mandates for achievement testing, linking teacher salaries to student test scores, the National reading Panel, the Common Core Standards and other expert panels–what is next to further dumb down deaf education? Where are graphic arts? Painting and sculpture? Reader’s theater? The dramatic arts including dancing? What about ASL

Adapted Little Books

By Jean F. Andrews [Editor’s Note: After some embarrassing tech issues – which you may have caught, but have since been corrected – Jean F. Andrews has graciously filled us in on the Adapted Little Books. This information is also available in the comments section of In a Related Story…, originally posted on 6/19 – BitcoDavid]

A First for Florida Deaf Prisoner Felix Garcia

By Pat Bliss [This article has been edited to remove the specific names of the researcher and her institution, by request of the original copyright holder – Ed.] Fist, let me tell you that the clemency action is in motion and the interview article I mentioned in my last update, is on hold due to

Casualties of our Educational System: The Illiterate Deaf Inmate

By Jean F. Andrews Teaching a deaf child how to read and write is an area that has perplexed befuddled and flummoxed deaf educators for hundreds of years. Why is reading so difficult to teach? What is it about the alphabetic code of English traps deaf children, youth and adults into lives of illiteracy? Is

Should We Care Beyond The School Yard?

By Jean F. Andrews Is there a connection between early child abuse and adult criminal behavior among deaf and hard of hearing persons? While exact statistics on this question are hard to find, from 10 cases of deaf youths in juvenile facilities around the country, it was found that 6 out of the 10 were