Castaways: A Documentary

By BitcoDavid I got this video from via Facebook. I had to go through some machinations in order to convert it to a format you could see embedded on  I’ve linked to the original. We’re not about stealing anything here, and generally we only publish our own original content, but this is a

Jack’s Annual Independence Day Plea

By Supporter Contributor and Internet Rock Star, Jack   It’s coming! I can feel it in my bones, and I’m not a happy Lab-Chow. Fourth of July! The worst day to be a dog, of all the days to be a dog. BitcoDavid lets me write a post once a year, imploring you to take

Dogs Serving Time in Prison – Temporarily

By Pat Bliss This is not a normal posting about deaf prisoners, but my friend BitcoDavid is an avid dog lover so I have combined the two. These dogs inside prisons are trained to be service dogs for wheelchair people, autistic children, PTSD vets and facility dogs for hospitals and nursing homes. They come from

Evergreen Dog Bites Baby

By BitcoDavid This story has nothing to do with our stated mission, but I’m a dog lover who grew up in Evergreen, Co., and I can’t let a national story about both – in synchronicity – go unnoticed. [scribd id=210799261 key=key-182m5fl6m94neoagr2f0 mode=scroll] Of course, in my day, there was no 4700 block of Pine Road.

Cindy the Pooch – Public Enemy

By BitcoDavid We have to stop this. The latest victim in the failed war on drugs is a veteran’s dog. AlterNet reports that on Monday, June 3rd, another military commando SWAT team, armed with – among the tear gas grenades and AK47s – a search warrant for the wrong address, shot and killed an Iraq

Deaf Awareness Week – Day 3 has set up a whole Web site devoted to finding homes for deaf dogs and cats, in celebration of Deaf Awareness Week. Page after page of wonderful, loving, rescue animals that need a little extra attention, because they’re deaf. Research has shown that teaching deaf dogs to follow basic Sign language commands isn’t difficult