A Basic First-aid Class for Deaf Adults

By Joanne Greenberg [Editor’s note: This piece was originally written by Ms. Greenberg several years ago, so many of the time and date references may no longer be accurate. — BitcoDavid] The idea for the class came serendipitously. I was taking advanced first-aid and I mentioned to the Chief Instructor, that because there were a

Chief of Prisons in CO, killed

By BitcoDavid According to Reuters, Colorado’s prison system chief administrator, was shot and killed on Tuesday night. Police suspect that his position in the prison system may have been the motive. This occurred within a few hours of the Governor’s signing of a new gun control law, in response to the increased number of deadly

ADA ignored by Denver Law Enforcement

By BitcoDavid   Susan Greene of the Colorado Independent reports that the DOJ has begun an investigation into the city of Denver‘s failure to provide ASL interpreters for Deaf inmates. Denver commonly refers to itself as an accessible city, yet it is being cited for repetitive violations of the ADA. In a suit filed by

Class action law suit related to interpreters in Denver County Jail

The law firm Fox & Robertson has published information on the Ulibarri v. City and County of Denver. This class action lawsuit challenges accommodations for deaf and diabetic inmates in the custody of the Denver Police Department and the Denver County Jail. http://www.foxrob.com/current-cases/ulibarri-v-city-and-county-of-denver/ On the website are documents which may be of interest to other