Petition for Justice Silenced Campaign

By BitcoDavid   Keith Wm DeBlasio  posted this on Prison Reform Movement’s FaceBook Page. has long been in support of the Justice Silenced Campaign and Prison Reform Movement (PrisonMovement’s Weblog). The Justice Silenced Campaign is asking EVERYONE to support two new major actions by using the links below to send letters regarding identified discrimination

On the Boren-Thomas Case

By BitcoDavid Andre Thomas is insane. That statement requires no validation, no clarification and leaves no room for debate. Just over 11 years ago, Thomas brutally murdered his estranged 20-year-old wife and her 2 children – 4 years old and 13 months old, respectively. He did so, by attempting to dig their hearts out of

Why Did This Happen?

By BitcoDavid Here’s the story. A train had pulled into the station in a Brooklyn, N.Y.  subway in late January,  and the usual throng of waiting passengers pushed and jostled to get on board. A 55-year-old man, was one such passenger, as were two teenage girls. Apparently, one or both of the girls pushed past

Should We Care Beyond The School Yard?

By Jean F. Andrews Is there a connection between early child abuse and adult criminal behavior among deaf and hard of hearing persons? While exact statistics on this question are hard to find, from 10 cases of deaf youths in juvenile facilities around the country, it was found that 6 out of the 10 were

He Was About to Take Out His Gun

By BitcoDavid Craig Egan made this video after he had a harrowing experience with a security guard. He writes, ” I am traumatized! Please watch my video from the beginning to the end. I am sending one STRONG message that everybody needs to build a better deaf awareness.” Apparently Egan was attempting to gain access

Remember We Are Picture People

By Pat Bliss I just came back from my third trip to Florida in 4 1/2 months. Each trip had a purpose as a step further to show the innocence of Felix Garcia and towards his freedom. Felix may not be fully cognizant of what all these meetings/interviews      mean to him but he certainly participates with all his might, and answers questions to the

What, No Digest Post?

By BitcoDavid The New York Times reported on February 20th, that attorneys are seeking a Federal appeal for Death row inmate, Augustus Howell. Apparently, all death penalty inmates are to receive one final – Federal – appeal, a Habeas appeal, before the sentence can be carried out. Howell however, never got his because his original attorney

My Pick of the Year’s Best Posts

By BitcoDavid Here’s an embedded PDF showing some of our best posts over the past year. I’ve tried to mix it up some, and include  – or at least mention – all our contributors and guest posters. [scribd id=126474903 key=key-getfvwr1nbqiy01y283 mode=scroll] On a side note, I need to mention that Google will be changing their

English: A Major Obstacle For the Deaf Suspect and Deaf Inmate

By Jean F. Andrews Police and jail officers are often confused by the many forms of English that come from the mouths and lips, and off the fingers and hands of deaf suspects. Just because the deaf person can speak some words, and lipread the question, “what is your name,” or even sign some words

Happy Birthday,

By BitcoDavid We officially launched this site on Mar 4th, 2012. In honor of our upcoming birthday, I have made several improvements, and would like to take a minute to spell them out for you. Immediately, you will notice a difference in our top menu. We no longer have individual pages for the authors. Instead,