ADA ignored by Denver Law Enforcement

By BitcoDavid   Susan Greene of the Colorado Independent reports that the DOJ has begun an investigation into the city of Denver‘s failure to provide ASL interpreters for Deaf inmates. Denver commonly refers to itself as an accessible city, yet it is being cited for repetitive violations of the ADA. In a suit filed by


By Jean F. Andrews Jim Cummins the bilingual scholar and writer makes a distinction between Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) and Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP). The reality for most deaf children (except those from deaf parents) is that they are learning BICS in sign and English. At the same time they are learning CALP

The Theft of Dignity by Pastor Mark Ehrlichmann

By BitcoDavid Pastor Ehrlichmann is a member of HEARD, and a supporter of the #JusticeForFelix project. Below is a letter he wrote for use in his Ministry, regarding Felix and the plight of all Deaf prisoners. It’s a heartfelt and profound read, and we are grateful to the Pastor for sharing it with us –

Two Quick Stories

By Joanne Greenberg A lifetime of working with the Deaf has given me a wealth of great memories and stories to share. Here are 2 quick ones that come to mind. I was in the nursing home, watching deafened elders scratching spidery words on paper. Many of the words were unreadable. A group was sitting,

Today’s the Day! Happy Birthday!

By BitcoDavid BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a videographer, a teacher – even a cab driver. He is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and a Pro/Am boxer. He has spent years working with diet and exercise to combat obesity and obesity related

There But For the Grace of God…

By BitcoDavid Picture this. You’re on your way somewhere, when a police cruiser comes speeding up from behind you, and lunges up onto the sidewalk, cutting you off. Just as you stop in your tracks, another cruiser does the same maneuver, behind you. A third, boxes you in by stopping curbside, on your left. In

Judges Opt for “Drug Courts” in Non-violent Cases

By BitcoDavid Throughout the United States,  Federal judges and prosecutors are proscribing prison for drug-addicted, non-violent offenders in favor of treatment programs and community service. Unofficially known as Drug Courts, this is an effort to avoid overly punitive and destructive sentencing. Moreover, the Justice Department has backed this idea, allowing courts to dismiss charges in

February at

By BitcoDavid Here’s this month’s update. Since we’ve already posted a number of retrospectives in honor of our upcoming birthday, I chose to go in a different direction with this update. I hope you enjoy it. [scribd id=127972200 key=key-7njbuvzlgvw4vzna9f6 mode=scroll] BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an

Black Incarceration Rates Finally Beginning to Drop

By BitcoDavid According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics and the Sentencing Project, prison sentences for Blacks dropped significantly, from 2000 to 2009. Whites and Hispanics however, have seen an increase in that same period. This change in the makeup of the prison population is most significant among Black women, down 30.7%. Black women who

LipreadingMom’s Hearing loss bullying Campaign

By BitcoDavid Shanna Groves is working on a new campaign to bring awareness to the subject of bullying of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. LipreadingMom is one of our favorite sites, and she’s been a wonderful asset for us. We are honored and happy to help out with this campaign in whatever way we