Deaf Awareness Week – Day 2: Deaf Art Exibit – From Jean F. Andrews

This is a PowerPoint document, containing art works by Deaf artists in Texas. The exhibit was funded by the National Endowment of the Arts, VSA Arts, Southeast Texas Arts Council and the Texas School for the Deaf, in Spring 2008 at Lamar University and Texas School for the Deaf. [scribd id=108563101 key=key-1fa57uapoimtygxxh3h mode=scroll] Randy Garber

Editorial Recommends More Police Training in Dealing with Disabled Suspects

In a scathing editorial in today’s Houston Chronicle (Tues. Sept. 25, 2012, the editor urged the Houston Police Department to undergo more training in the handling of suspects with mental illness. Referring to a tragic accident where a police officer shot an unarmed double amputee in a wheelchair who also had mental health issues who

Day 1, Deaf Awareness Week

Did you know this is Deaf Awareness Week? Well it is. One thing that I wanted to do to help commemorate this milestone in Deaf Culture, is to post this little spelling test. The test comes to, courtesy of Dan Schwartz via Lipreading Moms and Dads. It’s an mp3 file of a simple spelling

It’s Not All Bad

ABC News reported on the growth and progress of Community Courts. I got the article from AnotherBoomerBlog – Marsha Graham. The idea, albeit quite new, is simply stellar. These are small local courts set up to deal with low level crimes – vandalism, drunkenness and prostitution. Here’s the article link: Instead of dolling out

Just Be Glad You Don’t Have To Carry This Around

I was on one of Shanna Groves’ pages last night, and I got into an interesting discussion with Dan Schwartz. Like me, he’s a blogger and an audio engineer, so we had something in common to chew the fat over. If you’re interested in hearing aid technology, Dan’s a font of information. I mentioned that

Five Years in Solitary – For a Cell Phone – by HumansInShadow

I got this from  They got it from Jim Ridgeway’s site, It appears that Phillip Miller was a model prisoner, having served the first half of a twenty year sentence. A guard smuggled a cell phone in, and Miller ended up getting an additional 5 years in solitary. Miller was brought before an

A Word About Our Art

One of the things I’m proudest of where is concerned is the varied collection of graphics we use in our posts. The idea behind inserting graphics came originally as an attempt at boosting our SEO, but I’ve come to enjoy putting pictures in each of our posts. I feel these graphics do much more

More Pictures of Leroy Colombo – From Jean Andrews

Dr. Andrews sent me these pictures as a supplement to her article on Leroy Colombo. I hope you enjoyed this brief photo-essay. The article by Dr. Andrews can be found at          

Justice Silenced Campaign – Re: Sept. 4th Meeting

This is a PDF letter written to General Council Greg Buzzard. This letter was written as a follow-up to a meeting that took place on September 4th. Represented were: AdvoCare, and C.U.R.E. National (Citizens United for the Rehabilitation of Errants), Embracing Lambs, Helping Educate to Advance the Rights of the Deaf (HEARD), and The Justice