Mainstreaming 30 Years Later

By Joanne Greenberg Mainstreaming blew in during the ’70s and ’80s on the same wind as the breaking up of state mental hospitals, and with the same emotions; end the stigma, expand what is “normal” to include everyone. Differences will disappear and a better society will result. The “gesturing” and facial expressions shouldn’t be a

My Insperation

By BitcoDavid Derrick Coleman is the first Deaf NFL player. He has been featured in inspirational commercials, and has helped bring the Seattle Seahawks to the Superbowl against the Denver Broncos. Here’s a letter written to Mr. Coleman by a young girl. BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he

Happy Saturnalia to All

By BitcoDavid Joyce Edmiston is the owner of Xpressive Handz Blog. She has been a contributor to both the Stop Hearing Loss Bullying, and the Keep ASL in Schools videos. She is also a posting member of our FaceBook Group, ASL Learners by Yesterday, she posted this video. It’s the perfect Christmas gift, Diabetically sweet.

Deaf Males and Sex Crime

By Joanne Greenberg Deaf men are overly represented in prison for the commission of sex crimes. They are therefore more often the targets of prison cruelty from guards and other prisoners. I think this is the result of a closed world of Deafness, itself. We know that sex offenders are more usually made than born,

Image courtesy of Lipreading Mom Another example where a video interpreting service would work effectively. It’s free, widely available on both the Internet and through a closed circuit television system. This would eliminate the expense to G.S.A., and serve the needs of the Deaf members. I recently did an interview on with a young