Romancing the Wind

By Joanne Greenberg Next time someone tells you to go fly a kite, show them this. Ray Bethell is in his 80s, and Deaf. A Canadian, Ray comes to the Washington State Kite Festival every year. He flies 3 kites. Two with his hands and one attached to his waist. The audience signals their applause

Deaf Awareness Week – Day 2: Deaf Art Exibit – From Jean F. Andrews

This is a PowerPoint document, containing art works by Deaf artists in Texas. The exhibit was funded by the National Endowment of the Arts, VSA Arts, Southeast Texas Arts Council and the Texas School for the Deaf, in Spring 2008 at Lamar University and Texas School for the Deaf. [scribd id=108563101 key=key-1fa57uapoimtygxxh3h mode=scroll] Randy Garber