Felix Garcia’s Story: Part 4 in the Series

By Pat Bliss [Editor’s note: This is the 4th installation in our series on the Felix Garcia case. In this segment, Ms. Bliss presents more of the testimony, and points out the contradictions. It is presented in embedded format, and can be viewed in full screen by clicking the link at the bottom. — BitcoDavid]

Felix’s Story Serialized Pt. 2

By Pat Bliss BitcoDavid has been working hard on reformatting these sequences of Felix’s story into PDF files. I hope you enjoy this second installment in our combined effort. [scribd id=150174737 key=key-2lycpy2lg41verbguipa mode=scroll] Be sure and check out Felix’s petition. We need your help, freeing this innocent Deaf man. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/453/783/026/felix-garcia-should-be-granted-a-full-pardon Pat Bliss is a retired

A Brief Update on Felix

By Pat Bliss I made a trip down to see Felix which was not planned in advance for a business meeting with an attorney on a Monday.  I drove down early so that I could visit with Felix on Saturday and Sunday. He looked good, always smiling, and glad to see me. We talked (he lip reads me) about a lot of different things, but

New Webinars on Helping Survivors in Prison

By Pat Bliss An organization called Just Detention International is planning a series of Webinars on helping inmate survivors of sexual abuse and rape. Understanding the Issue: An Overview of Sexual Abuse in Prison is the title of the first one, and it’s scheduled to occur on Monday, November 5, 2012, at 2:00 PM EST.