Evergreen Dog Bites Baby

By BitcoDavid This story has nothing to do with our stated mission, but I’m a dog lover who grew up in Evergreen, Co., and I can’t let a national story about both – in synchronicity – go unnoticed. [scribd id=210799261 key=key-182m5fl6m94neoagr2f0 mode=scroll] Of course, in my day, there was no 4700 block of Pine Road.

Massachusetts’ Saddest Day

By BitcoDavid This has nothing to do with the Deaf, or with the Justice System. But nonetheless, it’s an obituary that I am truly saddened to post. On October 20th, the legendary Hilltop Steak House will close its doors. I courted my wife there – or should I say, she courted me, being the member

Digest Post – 4/5/13

By BitcoDavid Well, our post-a-day streak was broken yesterday, but before you go thinking I dropped the ball, I want you to know I was busy drumming up some Supporter Contributions that will be going up this week. In keeping with our editorial priority list, the first order of business in today’s digest post is

NYT Confirms, Ebel Dead after Police Shootout

By BitcoDavid Some of the confusion surrounding the Tom Clements shooting has been cleared up. The New York Times announced this morning, that on Friday, shooting suspect Evan S. Ebel, had died in the hospital following the police shootout, northwest of Dallas, Texas. Police however, will continue the investigation as well as investigations into several other

Follow Up: Texas Style Arrest of Clements’ Alleged Shooter

By BitcoDavid Boy, they don’t mess around in Texas. After a 100 mph chase, and an OK Coral style shootout, Texas law enforcement officers managed to shoot and wound the suspected killer of Tom Clements, the Colorado Director of Prisons. Apparently, Evan Spencer Ebel, 28, a Coloradoan with a long criminal record, and a current Denver

Chief of Prisons in CO, killed

By BitcoDavid According to Reuters, Colorado’s prison system chief administrator, was shot and killed on Tuesday night. Police suspect that his position in the prison system may have been the motive. This occurred within a few hours of the Governor’s signing of a new gun control law, in response to the increased number of deadly

Colorado to Big Pharma: Got Any Pentothal?

By BitcoDavid In the good ol’ days before she was a state, executions in Colorado required only a hangman and a tree. The hangman got 5 bucks, but he was expected to provide his own rope. Later, when Edison and Tesla went to war over AC/DC, Colorado sided with Tesla – who after all, lived

Job Opportunity

By BitcoDavid This comes to us from DeafNetwork.com. I hope some of our readers may be interested. Here’s the link, the text will be posted below. http://deafnetwork.com/wordpress/blog/2012/12/20/job-opportunity-executive-director-at-rocky-mountain-deaf-school/ Job Opportunity: Executive Director at Rocky Mountain Deaf School Employment Rocky Mountain Deaf School (RMDS) is a bilingual charter school located in the shadow of the beautiful Colorado