Thirty years in a Minute

By BitcoDavid I worked for a company that made a computer assisted fleet dispatching system, utilizing a z-80 microprocessor and cassette-tape disk drives. I owned Boston’s first 4-bus, 24 input, live mixing console – a Biamp 1642. I drove for 2 different cab companies and dispatched for 2 more. I delivered pizzas for a mobbed-up

Roaches, Swimming and ASL

By BitcoDavid We had a pretty good sized group at last night’s ASL meetup. I brought along a trusty friend – my little Kodak 5X, and had just snapped the 2nd shot of the night, when one of the group members told me that mall-cops don’t like cameras. I was confused, but I told him

“Kissface” the Horse

By BitcoDavid Years ago, I lived in Boston‘s West Fens – a corner of the ghetto area, Roxbury. In those days, Boston police had one of the few mounted police divisions. These cops loved their horses, and saw the posting as a position of honor and dignity. The cops would be assigned to different beats

Terrorism in Boston

By BitcoDavid Woburn, MA may be the modern Northeastern equivalent of Andy Griffith‘s Mayberry, but it’s only 12 miles northwest of Boston. Boston, where I lived for 18 of my 38 years in New England. In all that time, I’ve seen far too much violence, crime, death, disease and destructive behavior, but I don’t recall

Update on Taylor Swift Story – Principal Says “Let’s Do It.”

The principal at Horace Mann school thinks that it would be crueler to deny his students the pleasure of a Taylor Swift visit. According to the Boston Herald: Ford said that if Swift’s peeps put the kibosh on the concert, it would be “extremely short-sighted.” “We would have the concert beautifully translated into American Sign