Genetic Test for Deafness: What Are its Limits?

By Supporter Contributor John Terra Genetic tests for deafness can help doctors anticipate possible hearing problems later in life. Of course, no test is infallible, but the advances made do bear a closer look, especially one recent intriguing breakthrough that comes from the University of Iowa. New Tests Available Patients who have some form of

3-D printing in hearing aid technology

By Supporter Contributor Melisa Marzett [Editor’s note: welcomes Melisa Marzett to our team as our newest supporter contributor. — BitcoDavid] 3-D printing is a technology that makes many people plunge into thoughts. Most people are surprised when they first hear about 3-D printing, and they can’t imagine how it works. The most common idea

I Flunk My Hearing Test

By Joanne Greenberg I was sure that I would pass because I hear so much better than my husband, and while some people were difficult for me to hear unless I was facing them, most of them speak clearly enough for me to follow. I did the bit in the soundproof box and when the