What does placing your signature on the Miranda Waiver Really Mean?

By Jean F. Andrews Jean F. Andrews is a Reading Specialist and Professor of Deaf Studies/Deaf Education at Lamar University. Deaf suspects are asked routinely to sign the Miranda Warning Waiver affirming they waive their rights. What does this mean? For the police and detectives this means that the deaf person understands the six statements

Deaf Couple use Internet and Technology to Run Restaurant

Today’s New York Times reports on a Deaf couple that have opened a pizzeria restaurant in San Francisco. Russ and Melody Stein, who are [D]eaf, own Mozzeria, a restaurant in San Francisco. Workers use sign language, pen and paper, bulletin boards and the Web to communicate. What strikes me, is something that I’ve been saying

Individuals with Disabilities and the Issue of False Confessions

False confessions are more common than expected. The most common explanations are that the suspect experiences fear, intimidation, frustration and “just wants to go home.” Deaf individuals as well as other vulnerable groups are at risk for making false confessions because of their communication differences and disabilities, youth, and personality characteristics.  In one case I

Justice Silenced Campaign – Re: Sept. 4th Meeting

This is a PDF letter written to General Council Greg Buzzard. This letter was written as a follow-up to a meeting that took place on September 4th. Represented were: AdvoCare, and C.U.R.E. National (Citizens United for the Rehabilitation of Errants), Embracing Lambs, Helping Educate to Advance the Rights of the Deaf (HEARD), and The Justice

Not Providing Interpreters for Deaf Persons Can Result in Tragedy as Loss of Life as Well as Be Costly for Jail Systems

Shawn Francisco Vigil, died in prison. He was not provided an interpreter during the medical/psychological intake process, was placed in isolation and committed suicide. Below, the link to the Denver Post‘s coverage: http://www.denverpost.com/breakingnews/ci_21565502/denver-settles-city-deaf-man-who-died-jail Jail officials had housed Vigil in a special unit away from the general population and failed to do any “meaningful analysis of

You Learn Lessons in Some Strange Places

I was at my endocrinologist‘s clinic this morning – wowing him with my stellar physicality – when an interesting exchange took place. It appears, that his patient immediately after me, required an interpreter. “Sign language?” I asked, obsessive individual that I’m known to be. “Nope, Spanish,” he said. “Problem is, they won’t wait – they’re

A Letter From Felix Garcia to HEARD

This is a letter I received from HEARD. It is Felix’s most plaintive communication yet. We really need to help this innocent man gain his freedom. Here’s the PDF link to his latest letter. Felix – HEARD letter As I work on these videos, I come to see Felix as an intelligent, compassionate, ethical and

Finally! Felix #6 is Up!

Here’s the 6th installment in our interview series with Felix Garcia, in prison. Copyright Jim Ridgeway, Interviewers Jim Ridgeway and Pat Bliss, Tech and captions, Me :), and our awesome wonderful interpreter still opts for confidentiality – but I’m working on her. We’ll make a rock star of her yet. So, enjoy – here’s Felix