
By BitcoDavid In a scene from Chris Walas‘s the Fly II, the lead character, Martin and his girlfriend are hiding out in a motel. He’s mutating into a giant fly – twitching, peeling and losing his teeth and hair. Beth, his girlfriend, tells him they need to get to a doctor. She say’s “you’re getting

No Symposium Coverage Complete w/o the Tech

By BitcoDavid True. There were 2 ASL interpreters, and what I noticed there, was that not only did they take turns interpreting for the individual speakers, but they did this cool tandem thing for audience questions. An audience member would sign her question, and Terp 1 would say it in English, then Terp 2 would

Live Coverage of Bridgewater Event

By BitcoDavid This is an initial post. Video and in-depth coverage to follow. But, I wanted to get a chance to just give you a quick update – from the field. By eye, it looks to be a crowd of about 100 – 150 people. there are a few hearies, of which I think I’m

Deaf Suspect Gets Settlement

By Jean F. Andrews Englewood, Co. On August 13, 2011, William Lawrence was arrested for an outstanding warrant. Lawrence has been Deaf since birth and had diminished English capability. He was handcuffed and questioned with no interpreter present. Lawrence went several days, unable to communicate with anyone, and didn’t receive an interpreter until he was

Two Quick Stories

By Joanne Greenberg A lifetime of working with the Deaf has given me a wealth of great memories and stories to share. Here are 2 quick ones that come to mind. I was in the nursing home, watching deafened elders scratching spidery words on paper. Many of the words were unreadable. A group was sitting,

What, No Digest Post?

By BitcoDavid The New York Times reported on February 20th, that attorneys are seeking a Federal appeal for Death row inmate, Augustus Howell. Apparently, all death penalty inmates are to receive one final – Federal – appeal, a Habeas appeal, before the sentence can be carried out. Howell however, never got his because his original attorney

English: A Major Obstacle For the Deaf Suspect and Deaf Inmate

By Jean F. Andrews Police and jail officers are often confused by the many forms of English that come from the mouths and lips, and off the fingers and hands of deaf suspects. Just because the deaf person can speak some words, and lipread the question, “what is your name,” or even sign some words

Your Brain on ASL

By BitcoDavid Have you ever thought about learning a second language? You might be surprised to discover that there is evidence out there that becoming bilingual makes you smarter. It’s true. Neuro-biologists – eggheads who study the Human brain – claim that since so much of our brain activity is language based, by learning a

Rosenblum: Sign language supporter awaits White House response

By Jean F. Andrews [Jean’s note: This article was sent to me by Julie Evans, freelance writer.] Article by: GAIL ROSENBLUM Star Tribune (Minneapolis daily paper) January 21, 2013 – 8:47 PM Adrean Clark insists she’s not an activist, just a hard-working mother who wants to right a wrong. That’s the best kind of activist

Let the Taser do the Talking, Or…

By BitcoDavid Did you know that practically every police cruiser in this country is equipped with an on-board computer with a webcam and wireless Internet capability? Did you further know that Video Relay Services exist, virtually all across the Internet? Imagine this scenario. A young Deaf woman is a victim of domestic abuse. Her husband