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New Webinars on Helping Survivors in Prison

By Pat Bliss An organization called Just Detention International is planning a series of Webinars on helping inmate survivors of sexual abuse and rape. Understanding the Issue: An Overview of Sexual Abuse in Prison is the title of the first one, and it’s scheduled to occur on Monday, November 5, 2012, at 2:00 PM EST.

October at

By BitcoDavid We managed to get out 38 posts this month. We covered the Angela McCaskell story, the deaf policemen in Oaxaca Mexico, the overcrowding of American prisons and the changes in your Miranda rights as enacted by the U.S. Supreme Court. We worked hard on getting signatures for the #JusticeForFelix campaign, and we’re about

The Role of Early ASL Learning and Linguistic Competence of Deaf Individuals

By Jean F. Andrews American Sign Language (ASL) is seldom learned early by parents of deaf children when the diagnoses of hearing loss occurs. As a result, few deaf children have strong ASL role models in the home. This has important educational implications. But it also has criticaL repercussions when the deaf child grows into

Overcrowded Prisons – a Photo Essay from Mail Online

By BitcoDavid The British Daily Mail reports that jails and prisons across America are literally ready to burst, with more than two million Americans behind bars. California, the worst for overcrowding and ever-expanding inmate populations, houses 140,000 inmates. Her 33 facilities, designed to hold a maximum of 80,000, are stretched to beyond the limit. Currently,

Guestblog: Marsha Graham on the Gallaudet Controversy

By Marsha Graham This is not a civil liberties issue. This is an employment law issue. McCaskell’s sin is one of rank stupidity. She is a non-tenured individual working for Gallaudet as the Chief Diversity Officer – not a secretary, not a janitor, not even a diversity underling. She speaks for Gallaudet in matters of

On the other hand… A Reblog From People of the Eye

By BitcoDavid In Nobody should be thanking the FRC Prez People of the Eye state that Angela McCaskell’s sin, if you will, wasn’t in exercising her Civil Liberties, but rather in her “REASONING for doing so since it jeopardizes recently gained LGBTQ marriage rights and because other civil rights are not put up for question /

A Deaf Policeman Heard the Noise…

By BitcoDavid Oaxaca Mexico now has a contingent of [d]eaf police officers, to monitor the non-audio equipped surveillance cameras that watch goings on in parking lots, markets and on streets. The belief being that these natural lipreaders will be able to observe conversations and other indications of criminal activity. Known as Angels of Silence the city of

Angela McCaskill Speaks Out

By BitcoDavid This video was taken from the Baltimore Sun, and captioned by me for this site. I normally don’t do that. Typically, if a captioned version is unavailable, I will forgo posting it at all – much as I may like to. Unfortunately, I feel that this story is important enough so as to

Lipreading: What It Is, What It Isn’t

By Jean F. Andrews I read a children’s story about a deaf boy who purportedly was able to lipread a warning through a heavy snow and wind storm from the back of a ferry boat as he and his classmates were traveling to school on the mainland. The deaf boy was able to lipread the

Felix’s Story Serialized Pt. 1

By Pat Bliss As many of you know, I have been publishing a series on arrest and subsequent trial of Felix Garcia on It has been available in standard HTML format on my pages, Bliss-1 and Bliss-2 – with future pages yet to be posted. However, our editor, BitcoDavid has recently devised a way

Twelve years of activism

A site dedicated to bring awareness of the plight of Deaf inmates in America's penal system.