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An Unpopular Point of View

By BitcoDavid Yesterday, was one of over 900 sites that went dark in protest of the proposed Internet snooping law known as CISPA. This law would allow government agencies to track your browsing habits, download and read your e-mails, and peek at your social network profiles. Furthermore, it would not only mandate that your

This Site is Going Blackout 22 April 2013 ~ Protest CISPA is proud to join Moorbey’z Blog and others in this effort. Click the pic for more info. Related articles Internet blackout: Will sites follow Anonymous in CISPA protest? ( Anonymous leads 200+ websites in April 22 blackout to protest CISPA ( Anonymous Calls For ‘Internet Blackout Day’ To Protest CISPA | LeakSource ( Talk

Week From Hell – Morphs Into Digest Post

By BitcoDavid Finally, a post. Let’s start with the fact that today’s 4/20. Those of you who know what that means… know what that means. As I understand it, Denver is embroiled in a huge, high profile celebration of this (very) unofficial, unconventional and controversial holiday. You can say what you want, but I’d be

Texting, Chat Rooms and the Deaf Sex Offender

By Jean F. Andrews Even though many deaf adults read below the third grade level, there are cases where they regularly use texting and enter chat rooms to engage in conversations with people they have not met. There have been cases where deaf adults have engaged in conversations with hearing minors for purposes of sexual

Terrorism in Boston

By BitcoDavid Woburn, MA may be the modern Northeastern equivalent of Andy Griffith‘s Mayberry, but it’s only 12 miles northwest of Boston. Boston, where I lived for 18 of my 38 years in New England. In all that time, I’ve seen far too much violence, crime, death, disease and destructive behavior, but I don’t recall

Digest Post 4/11/13

By BitcoDavid Two weeks from today, I’ll be 56 years old. Who’d a thunk I’d ever make it this far? Worse, in 3 weeks, my marriage will be 19 years old. All the credit goes to Maureen. Woman’s a saint.  I wouldn’t have stayed with me, for a month. I’m working on a new piece

Saving Lives with Shakespeare

By Jean Trounstine Can you imagine teaching Shakespeare to men in solitary confinement?  And by that I mean men who are actually locked in 23 out of 24 hours a day behind metal doors with only a slit to see through into the hallway?  And along with that, try picturing a woman who sits in

Shanna Groves Stops By for Cyber-Tour

By BitcoDavid Shanna Groves, prolific author, hearing loss activist, Internet personality and Show Me Your Ears diva, has graciously offered to provide this Supporter Contribution in the form of a cyber-book tour. She and I collaborated laboriously and came up with the following for your edification and delight. Shanna Groves was diagnosed with progressive hearing loss

Digest Post – 4/5/13

By BitcoDavid Well, our post-a-day streak was broken yesterday, but before you go thinking I dropped the ball, I want you to know I was busy drumming up some Supporter Contributions that will be going up this week. In keeping with our editorial priority list, the first order of business in today’s digest post is

H.E.A.R.D. Public Meeting Event Next Week

By BitcoDavid Interns will present on their projects involving deaf possibly wrongfully convicted individuals, deaf prisoners & about lobbying the FCC for telecommunication access equality. Guest organizations: Council for Court Excellence & the Corrections Information Council We will be in the Library–>LCB112 There are shuttles to/from NoMa and Union Station Metros to Gallaudet University Campus:

Twelve years of activism

A site dedicated to bring awareness of the plight of Deaf inmates in America's penal system.