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ASL Kids do Wizard of Oz

By BitcoDavid Have a half an hour to kill, and wanna have some great fun? You’ll love this ASL version of the Wizard of Oz, performed by Eyes Alive! they are an elementary school performing arts group at the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind. The kids are just great, and it’s good

August at

By BitcoDavid [scribd id=165166947 key=key-2975tw9towi82ryo2m9h mode=scroll] BitcoDavid is a blogger and a blog site consultant. In former lives, he was an audio engineer, a videographer, a teacher – even a cab driver. He is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and a Pro/Am boxer. He has spent years working with diet and exercise to combat

Felix Garcia’s Story: Part 4 in the Series

By Pat Bliss [Editor’s note: This is the 4th installation in our series on the Felix Garcia case. In this segment, Ms. Bliss presents more of the testimony, and points out the contradictions. It is presented in embedded format, and can be viewed in full screen by clicking the link at the bottom. — BitcoDavid]

And in the “Who is Rescuing Whom” Department…

By BitcoDavid One of my guilty pleasures is reading Rumpydog. Rumpy is a Malamute who lives with several other dogs and cats, all of whom were rescues. Even more so than Jack – but don’t let him know I said it – Rumpy is a fabulous writer and photographer, as well as a very photogenic model.

A Day I’ve Spent 40 Years Fighting For Has Finally Arrived!

By BitcoDavid My good friend and journalistic mentor MadMike, posted this today on his awesome site. US Department of Justice Ends 75 Years of Marijuana Prohibition Finally, the United States government is recognizing what millions of people have know for years: there’s a huge demand for pot, and no amount of regulation will keep it

More on the Passing of Dr. McCay Vernon

By BitcoDavid Three posts today. I would have done them as a digest post, but I think they each bear too much weight to handle that way. As I mentioned a couple of days ago, the man whom we should probably start referring to as our Founder, Dr. McCay Vernon, passed away on Wednesday. Here’s

Dr. McCay Vernon Passes Away

By BitcoDavid From our Author’s page: McCay Vernon is the inspiration behind Upon learning of Felix Garcia’s plight in Florida, Vernon contacted Joanne Greenberg about writing a book regarding the struggles of Deaf inmates. Ms. Greenberg liked the idea, but thought a Blog site may be a more effective method of reaching an audience.

#JusticeForFelix and now #JusticeForRicardo

By BitcoDavid I was alerted to this story by this FaceBook page. I was immediately struck by the similarities between this case, and that of innocent Deaf prisoner, Felix Garcia – whom we’ve been working on freeing for the past year and a half, and Pat Bliss has struggled with for for over 17 years

Best Digest Post Ever

By BitcoDavid Wow! What a week last week was! Three important milestones took place last week. Some good news is definitely welcome. Up until now, phone companies and the institutions themselves have profited off inmates use of phones. The rates inmates and their families have been charged for calls can be as much as 10

Cued Speech – Gregg Shorthand Marries ASL

By BitcoDavid Shanna Groves – the Lipreading Mom – did a fascinating post this morning, on an alternative method of communication called Cued Speech. Apparently, this is a system by which, both lip-readers and Signers can communicate with each other, and the Hearing. The system works on phonemes. That’s a fancy – yeah, I got

Twelve years of activism

A site dedicated to bring awareness of the plight of Deaf inmates in America's penal system.