Some Thoughts on Sign Videos

By BitcoDavid Stephen Torrence made Sign Language versions of popular rock videos, and he’s not alone. He’s not the first, and he won’t be the last, but he’s the first to shut down his channel, and halt all future production. He has also taken down his revenue channel. Torrence is Hearing, but has an interest

Cop Block Video on Kelly Thomas Case

By BitcoDavid This is the most in depth telling of this tragic story, I have ever seen. As always, I put forth the invitation to anyone in Law Enforcement, who can present a cogent rebuttal to this film. Don’t forget to send a birthday card to Felix. Suppose you had served 33 years of a

Open Letter to Florida Clemency Board

By Joanne Greenberg Dear Clemency Board, I have been interested in the Felix Garcia case, for the last few years, and I have seen all of the material from that case, including the 2 hours of video interview on I know that he has exhausted his legal opportunities, but because there is a strong

Event: HEARD launches #DeafInPrison Campaign

HEARD created the #DeafInPrison Campaign to raise awareness about abuse of, and discrimination against, deaf prisoners across the nation. The Campaign, which officially launches on June 27th, aims to start a national conversation about these concerns, and to compel corrective and preventive action. We are asking that you watch the film “Deaf In Prison,” then

“Felix Garcia” Music Video

By BitcoDavid It’s been nearly a month since I’ve posted anything. I’ve been working my – two baseballs in a sock – skinny, White butt off, on this video. As promised to you, back in January, we took Heather Hardy’s song and created this video. I even had to drive all the way to East

#KeepASLInSchools Video Finally Done!

By BitcoDavid It was like the 7 labors of Hercules! All kidding aside, it was a great project and I am proud and happy to have been a part of it. So, without further ado… [wpvideo q0bvepp3] As I am working more and more with Sign now, I’m learning some of the significant differences between

Marlee Matlin @ BHCC

By BitcoDavid I can’t say enough about Marlee Matlin‘s appearance at Bunker Hill C0mmunity College in Charlestown, today. She was funny, enlightening, open, friendly and entertaining. She’s overcome much to enjoy the success she does, and her message transcends the Deaf community and speaks to the underdog in us all. Ms. Matlin’s parents were supportive

Happy Saturnalia to All

By BitcoDavid Joyce Edmiston is the owner of Xpressive Handz Blog. She has been a contributor to both the Stop Hearing Loss Bullying, and the Keep ASL in Schools videos. She is also a posting member of our FaceBook Group, ASL Learners by Yesterday, she posted this video. It’s the perfect Christmas gift, Diabetically sweet.

Back From the Dead

By BitcoDavid Well, I’m back. For the past 2 weeks or so, I’ve been in Dante’s 9th circle of network upgrades. We now have a full terabyte – 4 processor hive for editing videos, and a domain controller running our 10 pcs in Active directory. I finally have my own registered domain name –

ASL Kids do Wizard of Oz

By BitcoDavid Have a half an hour to kill, and wanna have some great fun? You’ll love this ASL version of the Wizard of Oz, performed by Eyes Alive! they are an elementary school performing arts group at the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind. The kids are just great, and it’s good