Deaf Bill of Rights act in Georgia

By Supporter Contributor Frank James John Lala, Jr., Ph.D.   [scribd id=214463509 key=key-f69l25rm7bn4eb70cmp mode=scroll] Here’s the linked Ruling via embedded PDF.   [scribd id=214466324 key=key-1c34geqcw3phhw6v8asz mode=scroll] For more reading by Frank James John Lala Jr. Ph.D. see the link below. Keynote Speaker at the World Congress of the World Federation of the Deaf on

Does Juvenile Justice System need a Change?

By Supporter Contributor Daphne Holmes The juvenile justice system in the United States operates under a different set of standards than the adult criminal justice system. In order to make distinctions between the actions undertaken by minors and the crimes committed by adults, the two methods of dispensing justice are completely separate from one another,

Treating Drug Abuse in the Deaf Community

By Supporter Contributor Emily Syane While the media and social networks teem with inspirational stories about deaf individuals and the deaf community, few people outside the community know about its dark side. One such topic few people discuss it drug abuse. Deaf and hard of hearing people are at higher risk for drug and alcohol

Obesity’s Link to Hearing Loss

By Supporter Contributor Andrew Lisa According to the Centers for Disease Control, 35.7 percent – more than one third – of American adults are obese. Defined for adults as having a body mass index – or BMI – of 30 or higher, obesity has long been known as the foundation for a range of serious

An Open Letter to Melissa Harris-Perry/MSNBC

By Supporter Contributor Carol Finkle [Editor’s Note: Carol Finkle is our newest Supporter Contributor. The following is a letter she wrote to Ms. Harris-Perry following a broadcast about the difficulties faced by Transgender inmates. I edited the letter for a general audience, and to be more within our AP style guidelines. The original can be

3-D printing in hearing aid technology

By Supporter Contributor Melisa Marzett [Editor’s note: welcomes Melisa Marzett to our team as our newest supporter contributor. — BitcoDavid] 3-D printing is a technology that makes many people plunge into thoughts. Most people are surprised when they first hear about 3-D printing, and they can’t imagine how it works. The most common idea

Supporter Contribution by Dr. Damara Paris

By Jean F. Andrews [Author’s Note: Dr. Paris is an assistant professor in the Dept of Deaf Studies/Deaf Education at Lamar University. She has done research with Native American Deaf Communities. — Jean Andrews] Native American and Deaf Communities: Parallels of Oppression Damara Paris, Ed.D, CRC, NCC Recently, the news has been rife with reports

Marsha Graham Speaks Out on Juvenile Crime

[Editor’s Note: Marsha Graham is one of my favorite Supporter Contributors, and a very dear friend. Without her help, I never would have gotten started learning ASL, and she’s been a cornerstone of aid and comfort to, since we launched. This piece was originally a comment she wrote to the post Juvenile Crimes – Our

Juvenile Delinquency: Ways of Solution

By Supporter Contributor Paul Smith [Editor’s Note: As regular readers of are aware, we are always on the lookout for writers and contributors who want to support our work – as we support theirs. If you have an opinion on any of our topics – even an opposing one to our own, please contact

How Will 3D printing Affect Our Hearing Aids?

By Supporter Contributor Marcela De Vivo Over the years, the need for hearing aids has reached a high volume. People are living longer (and thus, more people are dealing with later-life ailments) and they are more likely to listen to music at high decibel-levels. Fortunately, hearing aid technology is keeping up with the pace of such