The School to Prison Pipeline Is Even Bigger for the Deaf

This is an article published in the New York Times. It states that children with disabilities are more likely to be suspended from school, than are non-disabled students. But, they didn’t need a study to prove this. They just needed to read We’re well familiar with both the school to prison pipeline, and the

Too Many Prisoners – From Prisonmovement’s Weblog

This is a reblog of an article that appeared in Prisonmovement’s Weblog, over the weekend. For those of you not familiar with them, here’s what they say about themselves: Against the death penalty; the United States Criminal Justice System is flawed, broken, yet fixable; Prison Reform and Sentencing Reform should be major agenda’s for each

Image courtesy of Lipreading Mom Another example where a video interpreting service would work effectively. It’s free, widely available on both the Internet and through a closed circuit television system. This would eliminate the expense to G.S.A., and serve the needs of the Deaf members. I recently did an interview on with a young

Out of Prison, Trailing Demons – From

This picture moved me, so I used it in a previous post (properly cited and linked – of course). I recently had reason to go back to the original article in which it was published, and decided it rated a reblog here, on So, for your enjoyment and edification…

SuperMax: The Faces of a Prison’s Mentally Ill – Reblogged From PrisonMovement’s Weblog

We have nothing but respect for PrisonMovement’s Weblog. Although this story is now, almost a month old, I wanted very much to post it. Here’s the link.

TSA Agents Laugh at Deaf Man – Reblogged from

TSA agents at the Louisville, Kentucky airport laughed at a deaf man, called him “f***ing deafie,” and then stole his candy – another perfect example of why this loathsome federal agency needs to be abolished immediately. Read more:

Four Reblogs

The Felix Interview series is really something that you need to see. Although it’s only been available to us for a few weeks, it is the culmination of several years of work by James Ridgeway and Pat Bliss. In fact, Felix’s prison interview is a monumental labor. Technically, it has involved video editing and compression,

How Common is Sexual Assault in Correctional Facilities? – From CrimeDime

[Regardless of the frequency or infrequency, sexual abuse and assault within correctional facilities is unacceptable and must be addressed. Law enforcement uses it as a big stick. The fear of incarceration is exacerbated in an interrogation scenario, by the utilization of the sexual abuse element. Cops don’t say, “You’ll be locked up and lose your